Monday, January 15, 2007

Who Are You? Who? Who?

De-lurking. An odd word. Means you read a blog occasionally (or often) and don't leave a comment, for whatever reason). I'm really curious if I have more than five people who actually read the stuff I write here:). If you do, please leave a comment. Don't worry about having a blogger account. Where the box asks for a name, click "other" and then please say, "Sally here, I read your blog when I have insomnia" or " Juan here, your rich uncle who wants to hand you five grand.':

Thanks and have a good night's sleep. And don't bother telling me you're my rich uncle. I don't have juan.


  1. I wish that you have a lot of visitors. Is there no daily account of your visitors provided by Blogger? Every day I know how many visitors I had the previous day (not from what country or so, just the plain number of visitors, who are counted only ONCE a day, even if they come several times). I also have another counter with the list of the countries from where my visitors are coming to my blog, but this second counter has to be paid (less than 1$ per month).
    I wish you a very good day.

  2. I occasionally comment, but mostly read. Esp since the change to mega-grand blogger and I am having difficulty logging on. I wish I lived closer to a group of Godly younger-ish :) women like you...and ones that made soup! I have a little testimony for you. When I was a teen I felt God leading me to go on a missions ministry/church building trip w/ a group of adults from my church. I told my mom and she told me to sign my name to the roster. Being a young person I had very little money for such a trip and my parents didn't either. I signed up on a Sunday AM and by Sunday PM church my tuition had been paid in full. I want to encourage you to hold fast to that which God is calling you to do. In the most unexpected way He will amaze you and come through. You have "jaun" rich Father.

  3. I read your blog. I found it through Laurie's and FishMamas! Thanks for sharing your stories!

  4. You know I do but I am not a blurker


I love nice comments. Please leave one in my box.