Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

To all my friends in blogland, Happy New Year. I hope you feel the pleasure of mercy that accompanies a new, clean calendar.

On New Year's Eve I listed, rather randomly, my goals, desires, and plans for 2007. There are about 20 or so. At the top of the list is a renewed commitment to read through the Bible again. It's a treasure trove and I have just lifted the lid!

The second priority is physical: to return to the Daniel Diet. I was on it for three weeks in the fall and lost 9 pounds. The other benefits far exceeded my hopes of just losing weight. I may post them later. Basically the Daniel Diet, which I tailored to fit my needs, meant no meat, sugar or dairy for 10 days at at time. On the 11th day I would eat whatever I wanted. For me, meat and sugar and dairy are "king's meat" and I very easily overindulge myself on them. This plan also included only water and fruit juice, but to avoid legalism I would allow myself one cup of coffee with hazelnut creamer in the morning. I also ate fish when I felt starved for protein or when there was no meatless protein at Alpha and I was really
hungry. The greatest relief besides wearing relaxed fit jeans that could actually relax, was waking up without kidney pain for those two weeks.

So would you please pray for me when you think to? This area is one of the hardest to submit to God longterm, to keep in mind every day that my body is not my own, it is HIs temple, I was bought with a price and need to glorify Him in my body. I want to try to do this without becoming self-absorbed about it.

God gave me abundant grace for both of those adventures last year and I am persuaded that He is able to do it again.

Looking forward to hearing what your two top priorities are for this year.


  1. Zo
    I will be praying for you re: the Daniel Diet (never heard of that one) and can certainly relate to the long term surrender of our bodies to the Lordship of Christ. My particular struggle is with sugar and carbs (isn't that every woman's?), but it is really about the deeper issue of submission.

    I haven't given too much thought to any resolutions this year as this head cold is keeping me in a major mental fog. However, I'm thinking two major priorities for me this next year is to rely on God's grace to lovingly accept and care for a newborn and mother three under three as well as seek to serve and submit to my husband more graciously and lovingly in the next year.

    As a couple, we'd really like to "get our bodies back" so to speak..not so much appearance-wise as health wise. We are seriously feeling the affects of raising young children; it is grueling!!

  2. I'm so glad to come back to your blog again! My goals are on my blog today. I'm very thankful to be healthy and to be surrounded by a loving man and kind children, even if there are tensions from time to time, and recuring bad health too for one of our son. But I'm thankful for all what God planned for me in advance and I trust him for all what will be necessary for it. I rejoice in advance to learn to know you better in 2007, and to see all God's blessings over your family.

  3. Hey, nice new blog layout for a new year!

  4. Renee, I tried to opem your blog today and couldn't. ARe you having any trouble with it? Thanks for your kind and frequent comments here. Blessings to you in France. Now I have two Christian sisters there!

    Briana, thanks for your prayers. Bethany, ditto. I have faith for it, but already messed up today. I was so tired by the time I served up dinner than I totally forgot NOT to eat the chicken in my soup. I had every intention of eating around it, so to speak. Bri, I did buy the FAmily Organizer and can clearly see why you like it so much. It looks like it's gonna be just about perfect, if I stick with it and don't lose it


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