Friday, January 05, 2007

Help "Comfy Princess"

If you're like me, there are days when you can't think of anything worthy of a blog entry. Then there are days you want to share everything that's swirling around in your head, around your feet, around your heart.

Today is one of the latter.

This morning Joel was snuggling me on the coach and said, "I love you, Comfy Princess." Isn't that funny?

C omfy Princess is having a hard time narrowing down topics for the day's writing. Would you like to help me by voting?

Would you like to read about what I've been hearing from God through His word?
Would you like to see more pictures of my scrapbook, which includes Laurie's pages and pictures of when I was a curly-headed, horse-lovin' 3rd grader in Kansas?
Want a scrumptious, 5-star recipe for Mahi Mahi I used last night from a new Rachael Ray cookbook (given me at Christmas by my gourmet sister also named Rachel, without the second "a")?
Want to read my "best of" list for 2006?
Want to hear Stephen's favorite blonde joke and the one about the guys hunting?
Want to pray for my Ben who is snowboarding in New Hampshire?

Want to see me take a breather from blogging?
Want to know if our blogging party is still on for the 20th?


  1. Since my van wouldn't start on our way to the grocery, and we have no food in the house because I've been trying to use up what we have, I'll take the mahi mahi recipe. I'll just dream of good eatin' today.

  2. I forgot about the bloggin party, so I'd love an update there. Also, I always love hearing what God's speaking to you through His word.

  3. I'd like to hear about what God is doing in your life as well :-)

  4. Dear Zoanna, Most of the time I have difficulty to send a comment to your blog. I have to begin several times again. And I cannot copy what I wrote to keep it for the next attempt. So I'l try once more.
    I'm interested by ALL what you write. It's your life and so we know one another better, and we can become friends as we already are sisters in Christ. I'm sure that like me you pray that God inspires you what to write. So just trust Him. He knows what can be a blessing for your readers, and is that not your first purpose?
    I like your involvement in saving money for your daughter 's trip, I like your care for your children. I like what is happening in your church. So I'm just very eager to read more every day. I'll come back tomorrow again.
    Last point : you asked me a question by e mail. I'll answer on my blog this evening, as I'm fortunate enough to own photos which can answer your question. God bless you. Renee from http://bibleenbroderie

  5. I want to know what you drink in the morning to give you that much energy at 7:49 am! (I am not a coffee drinker unfortunately... so I am hoping it's not coffee... (I am also not a morning person in case that wasn't obvious...) :)

  6. Okay, that helps. ya'll...being all over the place with your votes. Chuckle, chuckle.

    Tori: For the record, I didn't post at 7:49.I think my setting's mistakenly set on PST, not EST. I do not have a ton of energy in the morning. I like the morning for its quiet but not cuz I"m like "yeehah, it's time to get out of bed and start my day!" I actually do drink coffee every a.m. I am a sucker for Dunkins' regular with hazelnut creamer.

    Renee: sorry you've been having a hard time making your first comment "stick." I know it's frustrating; I don't know enough about the guts of the system to say why it doesn't always accept the first try. Thanks for caring so much about what plain gal across the ocean is doing. It's quite funny to me.

    Laurie: heads up. The date for the party has been Jan 20th. Could you make it if we kept it there. How about you other local yocals?

    Bri: I am compiling my best of list in my head and want to put pics to a few more of them, so that will be a few days away.

    J: Sorry about your van! The only thing worse than grocery shopping for me is being bedridden and totally unable. They're not kiddin' about feast or famine in my house!

    As for what God's been saying, I have a journal full that I'll probably narrow down to a few one liners and see if they speak to any of you in similar fashion.

  7. I'm torn between what God is showing you, the Mahi Mahi recipe, and the "best of" list.

  8. Please post that Rachael Ray recipe!!! It sounds so good from your email. I think the 20th is still good too. I think that weekend we'll be doing electrical and trim in the babies' room, so that doesn't involve too much of me, so it should be okay.


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