Sunday, February 04, 2007

All About Me: Narcissism Guess Tag, Part 1

Just finished a bowl of Rachael Ray's French Onion Soup with an Italian Attitude. Yum! Decided against making the chili since no orders came in.

Anyway, I started wondering what little known facts there are about you frequent readers. I love finding out tidbits about people. Sometimes I find myself thinking or saying, "I can see you doing that." Or "That really surprises me about you!" Those tidbits might be considered trivial, but I refuse to call them trivial. Every life is a masterpiece and every experience in that life, no matter how small, is like a brushstroke of God's magnificent paintbrush.

Here is a five-category test about me. Narcissistic? Yes. Nostalgic? You betcha. Nonsense? I hope not. This tag I made up.

Multiple choice. My answers are in the comment box.

1. Which dramatic role have I never had?
a. Rumpelstiltskin, title role, 4th grade skit
b. Amaryllis, piano lesson girl in "The Music Man", 6th grade, community musical
c Fairy in "Dance of the Swan" , 3rd grade ballet
d. Emily in "Our Town," high school play

2. On which athletic team did I never compete?
a. softball
b. field hockey
c. tennis
d. swimming

3. What kind of lessons have I never taken?
a. piano
b. riding
c. tap dance
d. etiquette

4. Which type of vehicle have I never driven?
a. stick shift car
b. dirt bike
c. pickup truck
d. ATV

5. What is my favorite genre of literature?
a. historical fiction
b. science fiction
c. romantic fiction
d. nonfiction

Tag yourself. Feel free to use these categories, or make up five of your own.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The answer to all five? D. Do I know how to make it easy on myself or what?

  3. I deleted the first comment. I wrote it and had senseless typos. I know people are always wondering what the "juice" behind a deleted comment is all about, right?


I love nice comments. Please leave one in my box.