Monday, February 05, 2007

Can WE Help the Homeless Floridians?

As soon as the tornado struck Florida a few days ago, I felt God tug at my heart. This is the "next disaster" that my mom said would come where Katrina Kits would be needed. I have a few left and keep toiletries, undies, socks and stuff for kids stocked in what we affectionately call the "homeless dresser" in our basement.

Question: anyone have an address of a church we could send stuff to and have it distributed? Anyone want to jump on board with me in sending these sort of "hope totes"? You can get lots of stuff at the dollar store or Walmart or Target. Think of what you use everyday in the bathroom to get ready. That and underwear and socks.

Please help! We might not have much to give, but such as we have at such a time as this--let's put our action where our meditation, as Danielle put it.

BTW, I'm curious to see you all tag yourselves after reading my Narcissism post (two posts below this).


  1. I saw a post about the storms from a Florida blogger the other day. not sure if it'll help, but here's the link:

  2. I saw on the Today show that the "Lady Lake Church of God" was destroyed as well as many of their members homes. Lady Lake is the name of the town. The Today show website may have contact information.

  3. This storm hit my parents neighborhood in Florida. They built a home this past summer just outside of Ocala called "the villages". Lots of their neighbors homes were totally devastated. Country Clubs and golf courses were flattened. Their house wasn't touched. It's so great that you are doing this.


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