Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hills,Thrills, and Chills

No matter their size, kids love the thrill of going down our back hill, no matter the "vehicle." It was too slippery--a sheet of ice--but they decided to "body sled" on their stomachs, "butt sled" (self-explanatory) , and go tubbing. Not tubing, tubbing. Stephen and friend Andy found Joel's old wading pool to be the safest ride for two down the hill. I'm not sure if it was more thrilling to slide down or wipe out! Getting back up the hill was hard for Stephen. He didn't have on winter boots; hence he stayed hunched like Big Foot, trying to stomp up the hill.

More pictures here.

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  1. Looks like they had a great time! Sledding is such fun.
    We definitely won't be getting any snow in Paris this year. It feels like spring has come 2 months early - and autumn lasted till January. Totally weird.

  2. Oh, you're reading Tom Sawyer! :)
    I'm reading Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts. It's beautiful.
    I have a terrible cold and am leading the songs at Mass on Saturday evening! (did I tell you about that?) I hope my voice will be back by then.
    Did you see my response to your comment on the scented pillows? They're very lightweight, so shipping abroad doesn't cost that much.

    Have a lovely day and keep warm!


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