Saturday, February 17, 2007

Nehnehnehnehnehnehneh BATMAN!

No, Batman didn't show up at Joel's birthday party today. These pictures are from a batch I took back in the late fall and am just getting around to posting. (A little slow on the uptake, am I not?) Batman appeared in front of C-Mart in Joppatowne , followed by Kendall Ehrlich (our former governor's wife). Joel was actually quite scared of the life-size talking Batman, and I think having Batman touch his back and face really creeped him out. He much prefers the 3-inch plastic Batman he can toss into the toy box. The dads, however, appeared to be using their sons as excuses to get as close to the Batmobile as humanly possible. Joel in Paul's arms, and Ethan in Bill's.
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  1. Ha! Batman. I would have freaked out too, at his age! Batman is a pretty dark hero, which makes him so interesting even at our ages. ;) I love Tim Burton's movies.


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