Monday, March 05, 2007

More Mug Shots

These I did on self-timer.
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  1. you're beautiful AND photogenic!

  2. You are a beauty!!! I posted my pix last month, but I like yours better!!!!

    Betty G

  3. You are so pretty, and I love your earrings!! What beautiful eyes you have, and a beautiful smile of course.
    Blue becomes you very well!

    Thank you for posting those pictures, you know I LOVE to see my online friends. That is why I don't hack off my face when I show the garments I make.

  4. Great pictures, Zoanna!

    Oh, and I haven't forgotten about reading that post and getting back to you on it. Things have just been a little crazy lately. I'm hoping to get an email to you within the next few days.

  5. Nice to see you.

    Self timers are fun huh. All the running back and forth. I have some family ones with me in it one pregnant with Jude running to get in place that are hilarious.


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