Sunday, March 04, 2007

This 'n That

Sort of a catch-all post here. For your levity, here's a funny clip from our house yesterday, in case you missed it on Kidbits:

Joel was helping Sarah clean her room and she handed him an index card with my writing on it. A column with words and a column with numbers next to it. "Ask Mom if she needs this," Sarah told him.

I looked at it. It was a list of people I'd sold wreaths to, and the amounts. The bottom number, the total, was 500.

"Do you need it?" Joel asked.

"No," I said, "it's just shows how much I --"

"Weigh?" he asked.

Paul gave me the green light to launch an ebay seller's account. I sold my first two items today and am so thrilled. A nerdy thrill, of course, since I'm actually LOSING money on the first one. The first one is from Hawaii and he bought a brand new (with tags) LL Bean shirt . I started it low to generate bidding excitement. Yeh, I think the buyer's the only one excited. He was the only bidder and got the shirt for a buck. He lives in Hawaii, so I probably undercharged shipping. And the eBay fees and Paypal fees actually mean I've been charged more to list it and receive payment than the shirt sold for. Oh, well, live and learn. The upside is that the ties I listed, which Paul thought no one would take, got 4 bids! I am enjoying this little venture, but have SO much to learn. It's not in my nature to ask enough money, I guess. ANy tips from you all w/ ebay experience would be greatly appreciated.

Ben wants to go to France on a missions trip with Dan this summer. We are discussing it and praying about it. It doesn't cost nearly as much as the trip to Russia. I want to stow away in his suitcase, but not for evangelistic reasons. I want to see meet Isabelle and Renee in person, and have personal, Christian tour guides show me around one of God's prettiest countries!

If you haven't discovered Deal Detectives, you must. It's Paul's and Sarah's stompin' grounds in cyberspace for outstanding deals. SEe Every week they list retailers offering rock bottom prices on stuff you just might be looking for.
I also like for great finds on home dec stuff. I haven't actually purchased anything from them, but am ready to make the plunge for window treatments for my kitchen/family room.


I want a good crab cake recipe. I made some the other night and shaped them into muffin tins, mostly so I could make 12 (2 for each of us, the same size). Despite the fact that I sprayed what I thought was a generous amount of Pam into each muffin cup, the cakes still stuck. Any tips?
I wasn't thrilled with the recipe (which was my adapatation of the one on the side of the crab meat container).

I'm loving Genesis through and through. I just reread the story of Joseph revealing himself to his brothers. I always cry when I read that he excused himself and went away alone to weep before he did this. I can just picture Jesus doing this when He's on the verge of revealing Himself to someone coming to Him for mercy, forgiveness, and the Bread of Life that He is. I like that Joseph understood his brother's language (Hebrew) but they couldn't understand his (Egyptian) and he kept that fact secret until he was ready to reveal himself. Like God , who knows every human language (because he authors language) but no one "speaks His language" until He gives them understanding through His Holy Spirit.


  1. I hope you kept the card as a testimony of God's provision! :) Cute little boy!

    Ebay: make sure you research what you're going to sell to see if other people have it listed and check the completed items to see if it's a bomb or a hotcake. Sometimes, it's not worth selling. Better to give away.

    How exciting that all your children are so missions minded! What a gift from God.

    Thanks for the links. I realize that I constantly feel guilty about spending money, even though I am a big cheapskate.

    Do you have to cook the crabcakes in the muffin pan? You could maybe shape them in that for size, but bake them on a cookie sheet? Or how about using muffin papers?

  2. My mom always made crabcakes on the stove top in a skillet. Not sure what she put in them, I don't think she used a recipe, but I could ask her. They were amazing!

  3. The weight quote made me laugh. KIDS Are so funny.

    I LOVE CRABCAKES!!!! But I have never made them. So I don't know what to say. BUt I order them whenever I am in VA...never here in CA they just are not the same.

    Thanks for the links

  4. What a fun post! A little of everything. We are savvy Ebay shoppers, not sellers, but I've noticed that several sellers use a shipping calculator. It may cost a few cents extra to set up, but you base the shipping on where the buyer lives. They can see up front what it will cost, and you won't get stuck fronting the bill to Hawaii!


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