Friday, March 30, 2007

When You're Short $4400...

Call on the Lord.

Calling all prayer partners to intercede for Sarah and me. As of yesterday at 4 pm when Sacha told me the deposit date was moved from the 13th to the 6th, I confess I slightly panicked. Not because we don't have it (we do, with 8 bucks to spare) but I looked it up and discovered the rest of the money is due is April 20th.

So our yard sale has to be moved up. There's already hobby day fundraiser the 14th for the Boston missions trip, and Mitzy wants to go to that (so do I) but that would leave us the 7th., not giving us time to publicize and organize and collectize (had to use the "ize" thing for parallel construction, you guys. Yougize.)

Please pray. As of yesterday at 4, we had $1508. First I prayed. I keep hearing the Lord say, "sell" in the name of living more simply and doing the work of an evangelist. It's not all preachin' and prayin', that's for sure! Next I went online and told my Tapestry forum on the buy/sell board that I have lots of curriculum to sell. One lady bought $80 worth of stuff for $90!

A friend with good taste in clothes and home dec donated a bunch of stuff, most of which is so good I'll eBay it,and the rest yard sale, per her advice! You know who you are; thanks!

Sarah wonders what will happen if we don't raise all the money. Paul said she would go alone. She said she'd rather I go alone than her. I'm not entertaining either idea, for, according to scritpture, "a double-minded man [or woman] is unstable in all his [her] ways."
I am fixed on the mark. We're getting set. To go. Both go! Yesterday I was reading in Exodus when Moses had reached the edge of the Red Sea with Pharaoh's massive army of mena, horses, and chariots ready to descend, and the people were wondering if they'd all come out of Egypt to just to die, the Lord said, "set out your hand over the sea, and do. Tell the Israelites to go forward.: I pictured my hand stretching out over the paperwork that needs to be done. I see myself in a sea of yard salers, happy and eager to wheel 'n deal for the sake of the gospel.

IN faith, Sarah and I are turning in our passport and registration deposit today. Yes, with only 25% of what we need to make it all happen.

IF Jesus can feed 5000 with a little bread, He can certainly bring us 4400 pieces of "dough"!

Trust God with us, please.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN sister! If the Lord has called you to this, He will make it happen. I love when He makes the impossible, possible.

    I raised money to go to China while I was unemployed. My family thought I was nuts. They thought I should be more concerned about getting a job. Anyway, the Lord provided a way for me to go to China, two people to go to Uganda and two people to go to India all within a month of each other and all of our trips were paid for.

    A guy in my church who has a coffee shop approached the pastor and said he would like to sell his coffee before and after the service at church and have the money go towards our missions trips.

    Four years ago we started a coffee bar at church and it still goes strong today.

    Maybe your pastor would let you share a two minute message of what you are doing and ask for prayer and the Lord would put it on some people's hearts to give.

    Share with your care group.

    Just trust the Lord.

    A George Mueller biography always helps me when I need my faith increased, especially in financial areas.

    All you have to know is that if He wants you there, NOTHING will stop Him. Not even $4400.00.

    I am praying for you.


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