Sunday, April 22, 2007

Eating Elephants This Week

I'm motivated now, I must admit. Reading about others' projects to get one or more areas of their home "spring cleaned" has given me the lift I've needed. Sunny days in the 80s this weekend also helped a lot.

On the Girl Talk blog, I read about how to just dig in and do it, no matter how daunting the task. How do you eat an elephant? they asked. One bite at a time. Maybe the linen closet is your elephant. Or the garage. Or the kitchen.

Elephants roam in herds, don't they? And they give birth to baby elephants, too, right? So, I have a herd to deal with, and their babies. The granddaddy of all elephants is my bedroom. While it once was a haven, a sanctuary for body, soul, and spirit, it is now --to stick with the elephantine metaphor--the Great African Pacchyderm with huge tusks and mud crusted on its legs. I'm talking three boxes in the corner that boast (?) an assortment of clutter from scrapbook memorabilia to Lego fugitives to church notes intended to be studied. This elephant has two dressers that need to be streamlined. Paul's and Joel's. I don't own a dresser. The walk-in closet is plenty enough space for me (and then some). Laundry tends to breed in my room, but socks never bear twins, if you know what I mean.

The Mama Elephant (which, for a change, is not a reference to myself) would be our home office. The computer room. I actually began eating this elephant tonight and feel much better about it.
There is a baby elephant in my dining room, but thanks to a free buffet table from Bonnie--who gave me the hutch that matches--I can now put behind doors what has been piling up in boxes in the corner . Joel's art stuff, mostly. And seldom-used kitchen items.

Baby elephants include the laundry room, the living room, and my craft/Ebay areas. A little more thinking through organization will help a lot. I'm very interested in any tips from you real people that have found helpful organizing "zoos" for everyday elephants.

These elephants have to be eaten like snacks this week, in between a beekeeper's field trip, a doctor's appointment, postal runs, and preparing for Sarah's birthday celebration. (She's 18 today. We had to postpone a fine dinner out until her grandmother returns from New Mexico.)

What are your Big and Little Elephants? How can I pray for you? You can pray for me by asking God to remind me "for whose glory?"


  1. Zo

    I'll try to post the recipes later this week.
    And, as for being such a good mommy to introduce my sons to a variety of foods: I have to say that the introducing is as far as it goes. I have the pickiest eaters on the planet...truly...they don't eat any veggies, hardly any meat and are picky about what fruits they'll eat. I have just started to get Judah to eat peanut butter in small portions. That's my big elephant ALL the time. ;)

  2. Oh, Zo, I knew I liked you for a reason. We must be kindred spirits. I really hope we get to meet someday. I have a herd of elephants in my house too! I work crazy hours at my job and the house work, well, it is so neglected...

    I just started eating my elephants this past weekend. I have twin Momma elephants - my kitchen and my bedroom. These two regularly stampede my life... One day they look so nice and I think, “I wish someone would knock on my door and see how nice this looks." And the next day I think, "Oh dear Lord, please don't let anyone knock on my door and see the disaster that happened in here."

    One bite at a time...

    I had a few ladies over a few months ago and my spare bedroom was a mess. They had this idea that I kept an immaculate house. I told the ladies that they could feel free to peak in the spare bedroom if they needed encouragement that they were not alone and my house was only clean because all the mess was thrown in the spare bedroom. I also told them if their house was immaculate they weren't allowed to peak... :)

    (Everyone got to peak…)

  3. Big Elephants of mine have always been organization. But, praise be to the Lord for the Fly Lady and the Internet, I have been able to stay fairly organized and keep a usually tidy home. Truly, it was because of the Fly Lady. It had nothing to do with it :-) I keep on top of the daily Missions and stay in my weekly zones, it's fun!

  4. oops, "I had nothing to do with it" I meant!

  5. You are hilarious!!!! I have/had a huge elephant in my bedroom too. I have a tiny bedroom and it was a MASSIVE disaster. IT is all clean now and my hubby is buying new furniture to celebrate so I am waiting to post before and after pics but wait until you see them...I bet my room was worse than yours. HEE HEE.

    My dining room table has become a little elephant and the counter above my washing machine...I need to go tackle those now. I have actually finally made it to nesting mode so I got a ton done this weekend. But I still have a lot I want to accomplish before baby girl arrives. I will be praying for you too and all your elephants.


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