Monday, April 16, 2007

The Envelope, Please!

Okay, here I am. Paul asked me to go drop off his car with him, then we rode together to pick Sarah off from work who didn't get out of there till 9:25. Just before we left Dana came by to pick up her grandbaby items from our yard sale and she handed us more money.

So, are you ready? Thanks for your edge-of-the-seat push for the total.

The grand total from the yard sale alone is..........


If you consider the sale went officially from 8-2, we made about $137 an hour. Not too shabby! I am VERY pleased. I was hoping to hit a thousand in cash alone, but I tend to dream big.Actually, I see have more non-cash donations that came in Friday night as we were pricing, donations in the way of clothing, a train set, some Creative Memories stuff, and maybe a thing or two else to put on eBay. Sarah got an unexpected birthday present from out-of-town friends (her 18th is this coming Sunday) but we didn't include that.

I deposited $962 in checks today Tomorrow I'll shove this cash in the account, add it to the 871 that's in the savings and to the 1600 we've sent to GAin for our deposit. That brings the in-hand total to about $4057.

I have over 500 more coming from eBay this week, though it probably won't arrive in time to send in. Then again, the passports haven't come either. I imagine some folks are still going to contribute, and I will continue to sell on eBay and through the Pennysaver until we've reached our goal,
In order to make the official April 23rd deadline, we may have to put a small amount on our credit card, but I am determined not to carry a balance. Of course we need more than 6000 because the visas are 200 each (not a part of the original 6000-dollar quote) plus domestic airfare, gifts to take to the interpreters and hostesses, orphanage workers, children, drivers, etc.

I am happy. You can breathe now. Breathe a prayer of thanks out to the Lord for His ongoing and generous provision!


  1. I wasn't too far off in my guess.

    So does this mean that you both are going or are you still not sure?

    What an huge amount to make at a yard sale! The Lord is good.

  2. We are both going, for sure!! Well, I should always say "Lord willing we will do this or that," as scripture warns!

    You were quite close in your guess. I have a list of "things I'd do differently next time" but it's short compared to the list of things to do if I EVER cocrdinate a yard sale again. It was thorougly exhausting, mostly because there weren't as many hands on deck as i'd hoped. It's a huge sacrifice for someone to give all or part of a Saturday for someone else's benefit.

    Next prayer for Mitzy. Her grandfather had a massive heart attack in the hospital this mronign. They called the family. Mitzy, who was completely whooped from the yard sale, got up and went to chruch, then a bridal shower, then to the hosptial last night b/c her granddad wnet in for chest pain and possible pneumonia.
    Mitzy left the hospital only to be called back a few hours later. I haven't heard the outcome.

    Thanks for your devotion to the Lord as seen thru your careful following of a complete stranger's blog!

    Hope all's well in your corner of the world I have gotten rather self-absorbed here in Maryland, huh?

  3. Hooray! Glad the garage sale went so well.

  4. Zo, i've only done one yardsale and I made a whoppin' $25!! So, your total to me sounds amazing! I'm so glad for you guys.
    I have an old sewing machine you can have to sell if you want it. I was going to freecycle it otherwise. I have some other things, but probably nothing you would get any $ for, but you're welcome to come over and check them out. Let me know.

  5. Wow, that's an amazing amount for a yard sale, as far as I know! That's amazing!

  6. Woah! I was way off. That's amazing.

  7. That is incredible. How great.


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