Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fun, Fatigue & "Four-letter Words"

Just a quick update here. The yard sale is gonna be HUGE and I do mean ENORMOUS. Like 1/2 acre big. So much has been donated--good stuff, and some REALLY good stuff!

Four gals from our care group did a book study/prayer/pricing party last night. We were all punchy by about 9:30 and started taking guesses at what was coming out of the boxes. You know, the not-so-good stuff that makes you ask, "What the heck?"

Here's what you would've heard in her garage.

1) "Is this an evening gown or a shower curtain?"
2) "Does anyone actually listen to cassette tapes anymore?"
3) " Leave the battery out of the keyboard and it'll sell. It's so annoying!"
4) "How much do dry-rotted toilet rugs go for?"
5) "If Casey the Kinderbot doesn't sell, I want him back."
6) "Garden Canopy set $75. Complete except for canopy."
7) "Run me a tab, Zo. These clothes are from Talbot's!"

Stephanie Smith was asking me about directional arrows on the signs she's making. "So you want 4 signs with arrows going left and 4 with arrows going right. right, right, Miss Zoanna?"

"Yup. You are such a good ArrowSmith."

Thus went our fun till 11 o'clock when all was said and done.

But boy are we feeling it today. My back is achey. All my muscles hurt. Something feels really wrong in my abdomen. It's a localized sharp pain on the left side when I bend forward or right after I eat. Mitzy, Sarah, three kids and I went out to her parents' home (where the yard sale will be. It will probably resemble an odd twist on a family reunion). There we unloaded my van, priced her parents' contributions, and let the kids play. AT one point we did get their help. I said, "Ethan, will you please carry this garment bag?"

He looked at me very sternly and asked. "Why did you say a bad wuhd?"
"A bad word? I said will you carry this garment bag? What did you think I said?"
"A bad wuhd," and he wouldn't repeat it. (I figured out he probably thought I said "a dammit bag.") Kids!_

More answers to prayer: the skies really brightened up today!! In fact, it was warm enough for T-shirts with windows rolled down on the van. The weekend is shaping up so well. This morning was a downpour, but by 10 all was sweetly warm and sunny!

Got $250 more in the mail. Yesterday I sold the baby gates and umbrella stroller to a new grandma friend named Dana.

People are donating delicious homebaked goodies. We've got 10 mini pumpkin loaves from Krista, chocolate covered apples from Missy, chocolate peanut butter cookies from Bev, brownies from Miss Wilma and Michelle B, carrot cake from Barb C, and a whole lot more I haven't seen yet.

It's 10:09. I must go help Sarah price some more stuff. Tomorrow a girl is coming at 9 to look at a rocker I put in the Pennysaver. Then it's another loooooong day of hauling. My van is packed to the gills. Mitzy's, too. Jim is coming by for lots of big stuff and, bless his heart, more than one trip to the site which is 20 minutes from here. I am so blessed. I can't thank God enough for all these wonderful siblings in Christ!


  1. Sounds like you will not only make your goal but surpass it... What a blessing that so many people are getting involved. They will be blessed too.

    I remember when I shared at church about going on my trip. As soon as church was over I was nearly plowed over by a teen that came up to me. He handed me $20 with the biggest smile on his face. I was so shocked I actually asked him what it was for. He said it was for my trip. He was the first one to give me any money. I will never forget that. To see the joy on his face was priceless. He probably stepped on a few small children to get to me in his excitement, but to see such a giving heart blessed me and I know the Lord was pleased.

    You mentioned a ton of people that have helped with this yard sale one way or the other... they are missionaries too...

    Praying for perfect weather, for the people coming that don’t know the Lord, and for you to reach your goal and more…

  2. I wish I lived in your area so that I could shop your yard sale!

    When my daughter had her yards sale for her missions, we were just amazed at the generosity of the contributors and of the shoppers. I will pray that you have a good experience with shoppers, too, as you've clearly already had wonderful contributors. (And I completeley understand about the dry rotted toilet rugs, etc.)

  3. wish I was local, I'd bake up a storm and find some stuff for you to sell! can't wait to hear how it goes.

  4. I'll be praying for sunny skies! Won't be able to make it because I have a family baby shower, but will send a prayer your way.

  5. This is so exciting to watch from afar. God is faithful and He will provide what He wants you to have. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Is it just Saturday? Have someone update us Saturday night even if you're too pooped to post.

  6. How I wish I were in town this weekend, but alas I am not. It's probably much safer for my diet that way though, because those are some wonderful sounding snacks!

    Praying for you from the in-laws residence...

    Leanne (sorry - for some reason, it won't let me sign in here!)

  7. Glad to hear that everything is shaping up so well! Kids are so funny. That comment about the bad word really made me laugh!

  8. Just wanted to let you know that all the rain is in Indiana today. :-P lol you should be fine!

  9. Lord I pray that money will be rolling in for Your glory. I pray as the yard sale is going on right now that the weather is perfect. It is approaching lunch time. I pray that herds of people will be famished and the aroma of food will fill the air and they will stop and fill their bellies as Zoanna and her friends fill their soul with the truth of your Word.

  10. Still praying in eager anticipation of what the Lord is doing...


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