Monday, April 09, 2007

Prayer Rquests for This Week

Those of you who are intereceding for us and our trip.... please ask the Lord these things:

1) to get our passports here in time (like April 20th) for GAiN to process our visas
2) sun, not the forecasted rain, for our yard sale Saturday
3) for the Health Dept to say yes , we can sell baked goods at the yard sale. It's too long to go into detail why this is iffy because the state doesn't regulate yard sale food, but this may be a little different. Pray I get my answer by Weds a.m.
4) if the HD says no, pray our pastors say yes we can have a bake sale Sunday. Homeschoolers have never had a reason to hold one yet, but if the HD says no, that's a HUGE chunk o' change lost. 5) that no one in this family gets any of the illnesses that are going around. Joel has a cold, and Paul had a touch of a stomach thing, but nothing put us out of commission.

That's it for now.


  1. Will certainly be praying for NO rain, along with everything else!

  2. I have never heard of having to get permission from the Health Dept. to sell food at a yard sale. What about kids that have lemonade stands. They don't get permission. I know you said it is a long story, but that is the craziest thing I ever heard. I will be praying... (I am also curious...)

    About the rain, if you can have tarps up where people could walk under them or the items in a covered area like a garage the yard salers will still come. But I will pray that the Lord will hold the rain off.

  3. We here in Indiana will be praying. My daughter Kate is also preparing for a mission trip, and Praise God! her funds are raised! We are having alittle trouble with her passport, though. She is adopted and they are giving us a little grief over her original documents.


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