Thursday, April 05, 2007

Rain and Shine

God opened heaven and poured out some money today, folks. Today's been all good news on the fundraising front.

Two checks came in the mail, one from a church member, one from someone in our old homeschool group in Balto County. They totaled $250 !!!

A homeschooler online has agreed to pay $67 for some Tapestry books of mine, which is above the cost of what she could get them from on or Amazon Marketplace. She just wants to help! I must admit, it's pretty hard for me to sell books I have loved. But God made it easier last year when I asked Him for wisdom on how to let go of books I was hoarding. He said, "Tithe on them." So last year I went through a bookcase and pulled out 10 at a time and decided on 1 to give away or sell. After that hurdle emotionally (because homeschoolers love to build libraries)
it's been a little easier to let go of more than 10%.

Last year I did photos for the lacrosse team and apparently never cashed the $70 check I earned for prints. This year's secretary is putting it in the mail.

Ebay stuff in the past 24 hours has come to $120. Some my own possessions, some from others.

And I just got an emails from two Christians--one local, one distant who doesn't even KNOW me but she blogs in "our group" . They are putting checks in the mail to me.

IN mid-afternoon I got a call from a lady who wants to give me a really nice piece of furniture to sell.

At Taco Bell, the lady gave me back 5 bucks too much.

Another blogger sent me a very encouraging email saying the Lord woke her up today at 5 am and she prayed 45 minutes for me, for the trip, for my future in missions, and WOW! It was jampacked with spirit-lifting words!

At lunchtime I just bent over a chair and started crying tears of joy of gratitude .The Lord is hearing our prayers.

PS I gave the Taco Bell lady back the 5 bucks. (Just checking to see if you were still with me.....!)
I have never been tempted to keep too much money. I have other vices, but that's not one of them.

Anyway, I knew you would like an update. My totals in the past two days, including those pending, is probably around $550 !!!


  1. Yeah! That is so exciting! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow. Keep us posted. It is so exciting to see how He will work!

  2. Wow, that's great! I'll keep praying . . .

  3. Zoanna, that's great news.


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