Thursday, April 26, 2007

Want to Sew Gifties for Russians?

We are supposed to take plenty of little inexpensive,lightweight gifts to Russia with us. Some for children, some for adults. There will be interpreters, drivers,
teachers, caregivers, and other people we meet that it would be nice to give a gift to.

So I got to wondering...those of you who would like to send your love tangibly in my suitcase....I have a few ideas.

: these would use up your scraps. I'm thinking 3x3 inches, stuffed with new dryer sheets, leaving about 1/2inch (fingerwidth) opening along one seam for a person to pull a dryer sheet out if someone wants the practical use of the sheets. If not, it makes a great scent for the closet or dresser drawer. I suggest putting a ribbon loop on one corner, to hook over a hanger. My mantra is "no two alike."

Little toys
. I do mean LITTLE, as in palm-sized. We only get to take one suitcase of our own for the 2 weeks, and will have to take a GAIN suitcase with us that contains whatever requested aid they've given us (books, care packs, clothing, school supplies). So gifts have to be small and easy to pack, nonbreakable, nonliquid, nonwarlike.

Baseball or football caps. I hear anything about AMerican sports is well-loved over there. Baseball or football caps would be easy to tote. Let me know if this is something you'd like to send from your city.

Scented soaps, small votive candles, small cosmetics. These are on the list of things the ladies like but seldom get treated to. Again, let me know. I have a feeling the generosity of my friends could fill an entire suitcase or two (mine and Sarah's) and leave us no room for the luxuries (like our clothes).


  1. speaking of sewing..the machine works. So, you can have it if you still want it. We have a dr's appt. tomorrow a.m. but will be home in the afternoon and all, give me a call and let me know when you want to pick it up.

  2. When do you actually leave again?

  3. Briana, I am running a fever and have a cold. Also heard some in your household are the same way. I won't be coming tomorrow afternoon; I'm sure I'll be resting or sleeping.

    Danielle, we leave on June 15th.


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