Friday, May 18, 2007

Just Gotta Tell You About our Trip Funds!

Okay, so you've hung in there with me through my 7 months of fundraising for our Russia trip. I have got to report the good news.

From the get-go, I felt God say, "You will pay only a tithe [for the trip] and My people will send the rest."

He guided every aspect, from providing me with a love for crafting wreaths to sell, soup to make, a daughter who wrote and mailed out about 70 campaign letters, a care group who worked very hard to help bring in a lot of money, people who donated good stuff for my eBay ventures --and some customers were overtly Chirstian!, a homeschooling community in need of lots of books that I don't anymore, and a springtime birthday/early summer graduation where gifts have come in for Sarah (which she has donated to the fund). I'm probably forgetting another source or two.

Well, folks, remember how much I needed originally? $6,000.

Guess how much God we've raised? $5,400.

I'm no math whiz, but I think I figured it out that the difference is $600. Exactly a tithe (10%) left for us to come up with.

I stand amazed. Glory to God!


  1. Wow, Zo. That's great. I'm excited for you guys to go! What a life changing time it will be for sure.

  2. how awesome! thanks for sharing that great news.

  3. God is so cool. I love it when He tells us the amazing stuff He is going to do ahead of time and then we get to watch it unfold...
    I am glad you blogged it... Always good to document God's faithfulness... we forget so easily.

  4. That is awesome!!!!!!! How incredible. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I think now you need to blog about the amazing gift we got after church yesteryday! :)

  6. I'm so happy for you guys! What a testimony you have, and you haven't even left the States!


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