Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To Renee...

I didn't realize you still read my blog. I figured you were probably bored with it. But I have to tell you that I am blessed by your interest in what God's doing in my little life here in the states. You have had such a rich life of helping people and serving the needs of others. It's clear from your posts and emails that Jesus is central to you. I appreciate that you are using your God-given gift and passion for stitching to share His message of love and forgivness very clearly on your blog. I can't think of anyone else who blends hobby with evangelism so "seamlessly" .


  1. What an incredible surprise so read my name on your blog this morning! Do you know what I was planning to write to you? "This experience - getting the money for the trip and the trip itself - will be testimony that you'll share all your life long around you. We had such experiences in the past, in the area of getting money for God's service, and doors opening when we didn't even expect it - and it's a huge encouragement to go on for new adventures."
    So YES I read your gblog very faithfully, even when I don't post a comment. It's always interesting and most of the time inspirational. Sometimes it's just so different of what we are able to do and live in France, but the heart of it is the same.
    I'm in the full process of a new adventure myself, with the creation of a legal association to share the Gospel through crafts. It's a heavy task as France commands legal structure, and I need money too! But God is providing one step after the other.
    I wish you much joy in preparing your suitcases for the trip, and a very useful time there.

  2. Oh, wow, sounds like you DO have quite the adventure, taking on the legal system, so to speak. What a unique investment in the Gospel! I'm sure God will be pleased. You have shown yourself faithful to use your gift to glorify Him. You remind me of the Proverbs 31 woman who "finds wool and flax and works willingly with her hands."

    Funny you should mention preparing suitcases. Right before I jumped on here, I was scouring sale ads for luggage for Sarah. There's a sale at Target (do you have Target near you in France?). A big inch (?) rolling duffle bag plus a free 20" rolling duffle,for $42. NOt bad!

    This adventure certainly has boosted my faith, but moreso my husband's, who is more prone to anxiety over money. I had no doubt God would come through, but must admit when I didn't see money for weeks, I was wondering if He meant "not a trip for June, but for later"! It just made me prayer more earnestly, which I'm sure is His intent! Kind of like we know we have resources for our children, but we do like them to communicate with us regularly about things other than money!!

  3. Hey Zoanna, totally unrelated to your post, but had a question for you... Why 'Penchant for Pens'? I think this might be another similarity...

  4. Jessi, my very first post ever in the history of my blogging was titled "A Penchant for Pens." I didn't know what I was doing as far as starting my blog. I think when it asked for a blog title I was thinking post title, and called it A Penchant for Pens. I wrote about how much I like certain pens and dislike others, and made a spiritual connection in there about Cross pens. That's all. I've thought about changing it, but it fits me still.

  5. Just wondered, because I absolutely LOVE pens...all different kinds, colors...it's apparently a 'thing' in my family because my sister and aunt are the same way. I get very excited when I get new pens...occasionally my husband will just come home with a few new ones as a present...I just didn't know anyone else (besides my family) who loves pens so much. Just thought it might be another unusual connection we have.

    Have a blessed day!!

  6. Oh, I'm a pen kook myself! No normal human should spend as much time at Staples picking out a 4-pack as I do. I mean there's fine tip, med tip, bold tip, gel, soft grip, no grip, retractable, micron, fat bodies oned, skinny minnies, transparent, solid. Goodness. It's like the cereal aisle at the grocery store. Raisins, no raisins. Nuts. No nuts. Sugared flakes, healthy flakes. Name brand. Store brand. I get lost in both pen and cereeal aisles. There's no such thing as just "running in for a couple things" if either of those is on the list!


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