Thursday, July 12, 2007

8 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. I like to talk.
2. I am opinionated.
3. I am overweight.
4. I like to give gifts.
5. I love the Lord.
6. I cry easily.
7. I also laugh easily.
8. I take a nap 3 or 4 days a week.

Okay, this wasn't supposed a "duh" list, was it? How about this?

1. I love long road trips, but fall asleep within an hour into one.
2. If I could change races for week, I'd be Indian. (As in, from India, not native American.)
3. I look forward to going to the dentist.
4. Working for money for my own sake doesn't motivate me; working for a worthy cause does.
5. When it comes to shopping, I'd rather buy for other people than for myself.
6. Clipping a dog's hair mats makes me gag.
7. I have a paralyzing fear of jellyfish.
8. I love cars, especially old pink ones.

Friends: please repost on your blog.


  1. Hmm...I found interesting #'s 3, 6, and 8. I wouldn't have guessed those things about you

    Any particular reason the dentist is so enjoyable?

  2. I really like my dentist, and hadn't had any tooth trouble from about age 12 until this week. (Broke a molar on an olive pit Tuesday evening.) I like the feeling of thoroughly clean teeth. The only thing is, I wish I still got a nickel for a prize afterwards, but all my nickels go from MY pocket to the dentist's. Not fair!!

  3. This was really hard, but I finally came up with my list... I posted it on my blog. Thanks for the idea... this was fun.

  4. Fun learning new things about you Zoanna!


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