Sunday, July 22, 2007

Contest Closes without a Single Entry

I don't know the reasons, but no one played along in this contest to guess ...

Which TWO things did I NOT WITNESS?

1. a stray dog waiting on the dock of a riverboat cruise. Yes. I saw the same one Sacha photographed while waiting for our panoramic riverboat tour of Moscow's famous landmarks. Earlier in the week, one of our teens, Megan, couldn't think of the word "stray" when she asked about all the stray dogs. She asked Andrew, "So, do you guys have a lot of spare dogs over here?" After a good round of laughs, we all started pointing out spare dogs to each other.

2. identical twin baby girls sharing a crib

3. a motorcycle accident --Right across the street from our hotel, while we were waiting for the bus one evening, a motorcycle rear-ended a taxi. The guy flipped over the handles, rolled on the street in a perfect ball for 20 yards, then stood up! Walked back and apologized (it appeared) for not seeing the cab! A police car rode by, slowed down, and kept going. Most citizens handle their own problems. Rarely will a policeman get involved.

4. an elderly peasant carrying hay on her back --in rural Vladimir, but I wasn't quick enough w/ my camera. ARGh!

5. a bride and groom in Red Square--- A Chinese couple in tux and gown strolled right past us as they began their honeymoon in Moscow.

6. a drunk guy falling and injuring his leg

7. a Russian student driver car . No sooner had Sarah finished asking Sergei about driver's ed in Russia, a Student Driver car pulled in front of our bus at a redlight. Bizarre timing!

8. a missionary who reminded me of one of my sons . That would be Andrew reminding me of Stephen.

9. an orphan spitting a leaf out of her mouth --Galya at the Suzdal orphanage chomped on a leaf, spit it out after I demonstrated. She thought it was so funny, she pointed up to the tree for another leaf. I had to say, "Nyet! Yucky! Nyet!"

10. a Ricky Ricardo look-alike in church-- the pastor of Emmanuel Church, the day we assembled care packages.

The answer? 2 and 6.

I didn't see any twins at all.

Sarah was out one evening with the younger team members, and on their way back to the hotel, a drunk guy fell and hurt his leg pretty badly. All the girls insisted on calling an ambulance. Dima, their male interpreter, told them it wasn't a good idea. Well, the girls won, the ambo came, the drunk guy refused help, and that was that.

Please give me feedback. Was this too hard? Too time consuming? I can make an easier contest if you want to try again! I really would like to award a happy little rag doll to someone!


  1. Sorry Zo, I tried to get all the reading in, and I think I have read most of it. (I have read a few entries twice, but with the side effects of my migraine meds, my memory is really bad and I couldn't remember enough to do this contest.)

    I don't know what type of home schooling classes your church does as a co-op, but it might be fun to do a class or even a week highlighting your trip and stir some interest in missions in the heart of the teens. If it is a bunch of girls you do this with maybe you could have them write an essay or something and give the doll away to the best essay.

  2. Zo, how about just choosing someone to give the doll to?

  3. Tori, thanks for trying. I was hoping some people would just take a stab at it even if they hadn't read everything. AS for a co-op, not a bad idea, but our co-op is with our sister church and they just sent a big contingent on a trip to India. I haven't had too many ppl from my church ask "how was your trip?" which both saddens and surprises me, considering how many sponsors I had. I'm like, "don't people want a report of how their money touches lives???" But Sacha hasn't had a huge response to her blog on the trip, either, so to me it indicates a general apathy about it. I seriously doubt we'd be asked to show slides or anything since it wasn't Sov Grace evangelism.

    Libby, I certainly could just give the doll away but I wanted a bit of excitement, and I would rather give it to someone who shows keen interest rather than just passing interest, ya know?

  4. zo
    i'm having trouble w/ the comment boxes on people's blogs, so I haven't commented a lot lately.

  5. Sorry, I've been out of town since shortly after you posted the contest, so I didn't have a chance to really look at it. Maybe next time!


I love nice comments. Please leave one in my box.