Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hospital Time Tomorrow

I'll be having a procedure tomorrow at 2:20. Should help my "ailment" of the past 2 months. I'm not afraid, but I did ask the Lord this morning to comfort me. The last time I had this done, it followed the loss of my Joy Christine in '96. So I asked God to collect my tears in His bottle and pour them over me as a healing balm when it's over, like He's done time and time again when I've cried more tears than I know what do to with. He doesn't waste even our excessive tears, does He? So I am not scared, just having twinges of sorrow. But had Joy lived, I might not have had Joel. I can't think of life without him. So the sorrow of reminiscing? It, too, shall pass. He gives and takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


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