Monday, July 23, 2007

Job Hunting

Yeh, I'm in pain, but blogging is helping me not think about my throbbing jaw.

This has nothing to do with it (well, maybe there's a correlation) but my hubby has asked me to find part time work to help pay for the kids' college and car expenses. We found a nice old car for Sarah; haven't actually bought it yet till the people are back from vacation, but still it's just under 4 grand. That isn't a piece of cake for us.

What I enjoy:
arts, crafts, flowers, fine food, being with people, helping them make decisions (ie selling ideas), writing, proofreading (except for my own blogs), editing, teaching, tutoring, books, crisis care (non-bloody), the elderly

What I don't enjoy:
paperwork, standing in one position on a concrete floor, hoity-toity shops, fast food , child care (Love kids, don't like parents who take advantage of child care workers. Been there, done that.)

What I need:
about 400 bucks a month
a regular, bona fide paycheck with taxes taken out
Not planning to jump ship as a homemaker, but my hubby is getting headaches from the financial strain, and I'm not nursing a baby, so I'm good to go for a few hours outta here. Got any leads?


  1. Wow, you guys are paying for your kids' college AND cars! They've got a good deal! Tell them to appreciate it (I'm sure they do), Josh and I paid for all that on our own. It's not that my parents wouldn't have if they could have, they just couldn't.

    What about caregiving for the elderly (private in-house care)? My mom does that and it can be emotionally/physically draining, but the pay can be great!

  2. I actually had a similar reaction to Danielle - a lot of older adults living at home like to have someone for a few hours a day, or a couple of days a week, to help them out with things around the house or take them shopping (or just out of the house!). Sounds like something that might combine a number of things you are interested in if you find someone who would be a good match. I've had good experiences with companions from Home Instead Senior Care before, and I know they have a Bel Air office which would allow you to be local (it's all non-medical), and they provide training and take out taxes etc. Might be worth checking out.

    I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

  3. Zoanna, you might even be able to take Joel with you for adult care. An older person would probably love to have a little guy around.

    Also, I thought of Michael's. Doesn't Sarah work at Michaels?

    Your kids do indeed have very generous and gracious parents! I'm sure they know and appreciate it.

  4. Oh, let me clarify! Ben bought his own car last weekend. We had given his ACCESS to the Taurus and he paid for the insurance, gas, and oil changes.(We paid for repairs since the car was technically ours.) We want to give Sarah the same access to a vehicle for her first year, and will require her also to pay for her part of the insurance.) At HCC we have required them to pay half for their books, and we have covered tuition. When the hit Towson, we will expect that they will pay for more. Paul has such a generous heart toward his kids that he doesn't like them to pay for anything (he grew up poor but had generous parents who scraped pennies to send him to Catholic school and public college). I left college strapped with $14K debt which became Paul's burden when we got married. He hated that and doesn't want to saddle our kids with that burden. We also don't believe you have to finish college in four years. Take longer if it means staying out of debt!

    BTW LOVE YOUR IDEAS about Home Instead/elder care. I had entertained that idea years ago but had forgotten about it. Thank you. As for Michael's, Sarah does work there and is adamantly AGAINST my joining her. Can you blame her? I woudln't do that to my sweet girl. People think she must have a nice mom since she is so nice herself. She prefers to keep it that way! :)_

  5. any florist looking for help

  6. Still, very awesome of you do all that for your kids just the same!

  7. I had a great job working with the mentally ill in a group home setting on weekends through college. I just had to help them with meals and give them their meds and make sure they didn't burn the house down. I would balance my checkbook while I was there, wash my car, call my family, paint my nails, watch TV, and read a book... I worked every Saturday 7am - 3 pm. You did need a human service or related field background, so I don't know if you fit in there, but it paid $10.00/hr for doing just about nothing. Maybe you could find a few shifts that are empty and work the same shifts every week. I was also a sub and would get calls to fill in as needed. (That only paid $8.00 an hour.) It was a great job.

    I can't help but think you would also be great somehow joining forces with a job hunting agency or college helping people with their resumes, cover letters, essays, college papers etc... Is there some agency you could apply at that you could do proof reading and editing etc?

    Nursing homes often have people they need to do crafts and regular activities with the elderly. They have an activities coordinator for that who has an advanced degree, but they often need an activities aide. It might be worth checking into.

  8. Tori, you are both encouraging and funny. I haven't done a resume of my own in 21 years! Sure, I could proofread and probably beef up the sound of some jobs on a resume for other people, but I am really behind the curve in knowng how they do them these days. I should learn.

    It seems nearly unanimous that I ought to check elder care first. I wouldn't have to invest in much of a wardrobe or wondering if I look young enough for the job!


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