Thursday, August 02, 2007

Asking for Prayer---AGAIN!

It's been quite the summer of prayer requests from me. But I am not ashamed nor afraid to ask again. My Christian sisters in blogland have been faithful to petition God on my behalf, and I have definitely seen exciting answers to prayer. So here I go again.

1. My mom had an MRI yesterday to study the lesions on her liver and spleen. They were found when she went to the GBMC hospital a couple weeks ago w/ severe abdominal pain. Normally, she informed me, lesions like this are malignant when there is a primary cancer pre-existing, but benign otherwise. She has not been diagnosed with cancer, praise the Lord. Please pray the lesions are benign.

2. I have my root canal tomorrow morning. Not dreading it like I was earlier this week, but still apprehensive if I'm gonna be honest to God about my feelings. I would rather have another female procedure than have my gums dug up and stitched closed.

3. I am still running a lowgrade fever and my issue has not resolved a hundred percent. I am also anemic. Pre-op my levels were 8.8 and normal is about 12. Dr Levy says to call him if the bleeding is not better in a week because "we may need to bump it up a notch" (meaning ablation). Please pray for quick, complete and LONGTERM healing of my Luke 5:25 ordeal. Next time I see Dr Levy I will ask him if I can just touch the hem of his lab coat, and see if he "gets it." My mom says most Jews DO understand that because it was associated with healing long before Jesus walked the earth. The high priests wore these long robes with special tassels on the hem.

4. The car situation has gone from tedious to tumultuous. Two Saturdays ago Ben put $1500 down on a 1996 Audi in Virginia, at a small dealership. The guy who runs the place didn't tell Ben he'd be on vacation for the next 10 days. All he told him was that he'd probably have the AC fixed by WEds. That was LAST week! Found out y'day the part is on backorder and it will be 2 more weeks. German car parts take a lot longer, but the guy said if Ben wants to pick it up today and bring it back when the part's in, that's okay. So we're going to VA this evening.
For Sarah's use, the car we had decided to buy (after much prayer, counsel, and deliberation because of the kind of vehicle it is) is no longer available. We looked at it 2 weeks ago, the people had taken excellent care of it (a 1995 BMW) and it was under 4000 dollars. The guy told us before he left on vacation, "So, I'll be back on the 30th and have it inspected .If it passes, are we talking money?" Paul and I agreed to buy it if it passed inspection. Meanwhile, we've been waiting patiently and turning down other great deals. The guy calls y'day and says they've decided to keep it. So........ we are still borrowing my parents' second car, bless their generous hearts.

5. Part time work for me. I checked out Home Instead. It's the kind of work I would love, but the pay is lousy, less than 8 bucks an hour. If I didn't need big bucks for tuition, I would take it. But I am going to look around for similar work that pays better. After taxes, 8 bucks an hour doesn't amount to much. I'd make more selling wreaths for profit! I'll also check the writing lab at HCC. When my younger sister worked there, it paid 12 an hour. Much better, and also something I think I'd enjoy. (Maybe not, tho.' Jill said she was aghast at how many freshmen didn't know what a verb was, let alone how to organize a paragraph.)

That's my TOP 5. Thanks for reading and praying for me.


  1. Will keep you in my prayers, for sur!

  2. Still praying Zo. Sorry I can't write more, but I can pray...

  3. Thanks for the suggestions! I've never done Craig's List before, so I'm glad for the input!

    I'll continue praying for ya!


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