Friday, August 17, 2007

Odds 'n Ends

I need to detox. I feel horrible from bad eating habits. Last night was the clincher. Got so busy making the drum cake, I never ate real dinner (didn't even make it, how terrible is that?). You know how you go from taste-testing the batter, to to the finished baked product, to the frosting, to the finished frosted product, with a side of ice cream. Yeh, it's time for the Daniel Diet again.

Sarah got more good news yesterday. She was whistlin' Dixie coming out of work.

We are going on vacation. Don't know where yet, but either Myrtle Beach or Outer Banks. A week from tomorrow. I am just so looking forward to being with the family. My friend Dayna and I were in tears at care group talking about missing our kids. Yes, they live with us, but once they get a license and a job, we never see them. Sarah is a bit more of a homebody that Dayna's girls, but I was disappointed when Sarah told me she has classes five days a week, not just four.
We sit to down to dinner as a family only about half the week. I was warned, but I still don't like it. So, for us, we don't care much about where we go as that we go, with our grown children.

I need help parenting those grown children.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time on vacation. Hope it is truly restful for all of you and re-connecting! :)


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