Monday, August 06, 2007

Want to Make a Friendship Quilt Block?

I'm going again (Lord willing) to the GAIN warehouse in October to pack and make gospel aprons and bead bracelets and hang out with some of the team we went to Vladimir with. I want to take a handmade quilt for GAIN to send to a Russian orphanage.

But, I have had to admit to myself I am not fast enough to do a whole quilt by myself by October.

So, I got to thinking...maybe some of my blogging friends would like to join me? Just make one square or two.

For more info about this, please read my post on, posted today, August 6. Please leave comment here. It may be that there's enough interest to make TWO quilts. The 25things blogs is NOT all Christians, by any means, but I always try to be overt about Christ somehow in my my posts there.

Got fabric?

1 comment:

  1. I've tried my hand at sewing; it's so not my thing. Sorry! :(


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