Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Had a Dream

That's right. Past tense. I'm not MLK, Jr.

I was only taking a nap, but here is what I dreamt:

I got a postcard in the mail. It was from an anonymous blogger. (We all love those, don't we?) The postcard said, "Zo, I love the idea of the fall photo posting, but I think you're trying to have too much control."

It woke me up. Yes, it did. It woke me up. (Or maybe Joel's slamming the silverware drawer did it. Either way, I woke up, convicted.)

All that to say this: I'll take it to mean that maybe, just maybe, someone out there wants to play along without rules. Just snap whatever and whenever of this fall season floats your kayak. (I hate cliches, which is why I said kayak instead of boat.)

Post pictures at your leisure--if you have leisure. (I'm thinking of a few of you who are saying, "Leisure? What's that? I don't even know a synonym for leisure or if I should put an apostrophe before the "s" in that word.

(No, for the record, there's no apostrophe. If you even think about putting one in there, I will never, ever, ever, never, ever, never, ever, ever have coffee with you.)

Game without rules. Does that lift any burdens that my subconscious had been entertaining?
It goes against my competitive (and dare I say controlling?) grain, but my postcard dream woke me up, so I'll take heed.


  1. Wish I could join the picture train. I LOVE everything fall, but don't have a digital camera. Oh well..i'll enjoy looking at everyone else's pics. ;)

  2. I am still working on this year. I did get some uploaded this afternoon but I need to size and such. But I have a cool fall collage from last year at.


  3. hmmm it won't let me leave the whole link try this


  4. Ooh, Bethany, I lIKE that! All the textures and shapes goin' on. Very well done.


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