Monday, September 17, 2007

If Homeschooling Isn't What You Thought It'd Be...

You're not alone. Today started out with "I hate school!" (He said it, not me.)

I said, "Joel, I will not let you say that."

"Okay, then. I really, really, really, really, REALLY do not like school. I can't stand it."

I almost laughed, but hid my smile behind an open fridge door. He keeps me from taking myself too seriously, or thinking too highly of myself as a homeschool mom, that's for sure. He says other funny stuff every single day. I'm trying my best to record them on my Kidbits blog.

I'd love to read what your homeschooled kids are saying. (I think.) All I know is I should've bought stock in Kleenex 15 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. I hate school too. HA HA...Oops I wasn't suppose to say that. Shame on me.


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