Friday, October 12, 2007

Got Clothes to Donate?

Real quick reminder to local folks: I am going up to the GAIN warehouse in PA tomorrow (missionary reunion of sorts!) . If you have been setting clothes and shoes for this purpose, please email me to arrange pickup.I'll be in Constant Friendship between 3:30 and 4 today but leaving my house by 12:30 for gym and errands. If you need my cell, call Mitzy or Kelly. They have it.

One more thing: I have been reading your comments and appreciate every one of them. Your prayers are being answered and when I get the green light to blog again at length, I will tell you about it. Still very much a work in progress, with the hardest part yet to go, but I see signs of new life.

My best friend from KS is coming in on next Tuesday! Spending lots of girl time together while Paul's in California will be such a lift! You know how it is. There is nothing quite like having that one special girlfriend who knows you, loves you, warts and all so much that she is willing to take her vacation time and hard-earned money to fly to see you. It's been a long, long time and this is an answer to prayer!

Anyway, if you've got donations of clothing and shoes, let me have 'em today! Label your bags; I will bring you a tax receipt form for you from GAIN.

1 comment:

  1. See you today around 3:30 or 4! I do have to leave my house by 4:10 to pick up my kids from school. Thanks!


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