Thursday, November 01, 2007

10 20 30

10 years ago

I was homeschooling 3 children ages 9, 8, and 6, living in Dundalk, teaching 2nd graders in children's church. Anne Browne, who was in that class, said to my Stephen, "You're the best friend I ever had, and I ain't talkin' crazy." I had miscarried the year before and was idolizing having another baby. My identity was wrapped up in myself as a mother, not as a child of the living God who wanted to give me far more than another baby. That's all I wanted, and so it would take years for me to let go of that, something I wanted TOO much.

20 years ago

I had been married 10 months and was 3 months pregnant, expecting my dear Ben. Such a happy, happy time in my life. A dream coming true. Never one to desire wealth or a career, motherhood held a charm that I thought would last forever.

30 years ago

I was 12, wearing huge plastic glasses, polyester knit farm-animal print shirts, skirts to the knee per HCS dress code, and knee socks. I got my first "C" ever, and it devastated me. Good grades and I were best friends. I protested, but it was no use. Judgment triumphed over mercy in that teacher's class. The "C" was in handwriting, something I prided myself on, and thought was pretty good--even better than the teacher's. To this day I don't think I deserved it, but it humbled me. I was probably perfectionistic about it, anyway. Since then my handwriting has been in rebellion.

I tag Betty. She's the only blogger I know of who is
a) reading this AND
b) older than me, so won't put "30 years ago I wasn't born."

I could add 40 to this. 40 years ago I was being potty trained. That's supposed to make me feel better, but it doesn't. You know what they say about cycles repeating themselves every 20 years!


  1. "...I was being potty trained."

    40 years ago I was vaguely aware that I had been potty trained 22 years earlier.

  2. Hey, Joe, I didn't know you still read my blog. Good to "see" you. You certainly do make 42 sound young when I'm feeling like the old kid in town.

  3. Zo, this will be short, my memory really fails me on dates!!
    10 years ago - I was getting over my second back surgery and we were trying to move into a condo. I put myself on hold, I stumbled and broke my shoulder.
    20 years ago - We were renting our house and going full-timing with a huge trailer, later traded for a 5th wheel and a pick up. Dean was on his first of three times to retire.
    30 years ago - we had sold our grocery store and I was back into being just a housewife.
    You know 40 years ago I was a newspaper editor and loving every minute of my six years. Gave it up when Dean's job moved.
    Hope you hear from others.
    Betty G


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