Friday, November 09, 2007

Picture Post at Last

Thanks to Stephen, I now have pictures on our newer computer to blog. The old computer--the one I knew how to upload pictures on-- is nearly out of memory. This newer one is quite speedy, but I didn't know how to upload pictures. Still not sure; Stephen whips through the process like a Nascar pit crewman. These will be random shots taken from July thru September. Hope you enjoy them.

First Day of School.
Kindergarten at home.
Last child. (!) (?)

Don't be fooled: We're not this eager every morning to start our schoolwork.

Ben (middle) with friends Allan (left, with candy in his mouth) and Dan (right).
during our photo shoot at Myrtle Beach. These
guys are so vain. They have more pictures of themselves than most girls do, but I love 'em.

Joel practicing his letters.
Kindergarten, age 5, early fall 2007.
I just love to nibble his ears and
caress his soft cheeks.

The two engineers. When we had my parents and their Russian friends over for lunch in July, my dad said, "Now, who wants to sit next to Pappaw at the end of the table?"
Joel piped up, "I do!"
Pappaw: "Well, good. I'm glad."
Joel: "Yup. Just the two engineers here."

V and A from Russia (protecting ID here as they are watched by the R p'lice). He wanted
so much to play a guitar while in America. It was like a long-lost friend he embraced when Paul offered him his Taylor. Together we sat around in the living room singing and worshiping. One of the sweetest memories of the summer. This was the man who met Yeshua in his prison cell in 2000. He was first imprisoned at age 14 after being falsely accused of stealing a bicycle.
He led a life of crime, and was incarcerated for a total of 17 years, but in the last two received
the gift of salvation. His heart's desire is to minister to inmates, but Russian authorities still watch him and tap their phones. You would never know by his gentle, peaceful nature that this heavily tattooed, gold-toothed saint was once a hardened criminal. Remind you of anyone?

A boy and his dog. Joel took this shot of himself and "the sniffer." Molly, our Golden Retriever, probably has the most photographed sniffer in the world. One of these days I'm gonna do a slide show of The Sniffer.

Sarah has nearly finished reading her Bible
through in a year. I love to watch my kids
absorbed in Scripture. Better yet, when Scripture has absorbed them!

How I miss my summer roses.
I planted a small rosebush to grow up around
my lamppost. This species is named Diana, Princess of Wales .They are they most exquisite
blend of butter yellow and salmon pink with
an intoxicating fragrance. I loved being on the
passenger side when we'd get home during the summer; I'd roll down the window and inhale deeply. Only God could make such a thing of
beauty and delight.
At one point, they were so prolific, I started naming each rose after my blogging friends, according to their personality. I miss my roses, but look forward to greeting them again next summer.

Okay, I have a lot more to upload, but this is taking way too long. What do I keep doing to delete some I just saw on the screen? Oh, the bane of flying fingers.

More later.
PS This has nothing to do with pictures, but it's a little bit funny. Today someone called asking for Zoey Zublick. Whaaaaaaatt??? If I had won a skinny body, camera equipment, or a trip to Paris, I would've said, "Yeh, Zoey Zublick, close enough." But it sounded like they wanted to sell me something. Click.


  1. Great pictures! I giggled about your comment about the vain boys. My brother always spent more time in the bathroom than any of us girls, let me tell you. I think the stereotype about teenage girls in the bathroom is totally wrong. It's the guys that do the holding up!! ;)

  2. Got your message - no problem! We'll pick a time...maybe an evening this week?

    Love the pics!


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