Monday, January 21, 2008

Let's Have a Disgusting, Unhappy Birthday Party

So I got to thinking of the little things I've learned about you, my blogging friends. Mostly things you love, but some you can't stand. For some reason, I started daydreaming about us all getting together to celebrate our birthdays on the same day, and the idea of the party would be to make everyone feel unhappy or disgusted in TWO ways at this party, while the rest of us laughed.

For example, I am thinking that this party is going to be held in the parking lot of Walmart in Abingdon, and no one is allowed to wear make-up. If you know which blogger would be unhappy about these two things, leave a comment and then --on your blog, write two more things that would make a different blogger friend unhappy at her birthday party.

The idea here is to have a little fun! Let's see how many different bloggers we can "invite" to this party by way of knowing them through their blog!


  1. I know who, but I don't have a blog. She also doesn't like security questions on blogs ;)

  2. I know who, too...but I think it would be more fun to hear more of your ideas :) what a strange made me giggle this morning!

    do we get new challenges this week? I am three for three on last week's list! ;)

  3. I'm not sure, but I think that would be Beth.

    I have one - come on over:

  4. that is too funny. I agree, judgeing from her blog entries i would guess beth would be miserable. ;) poor girl.

  5. Marie: you're right! and you should get a blog:).

    Amy: do you concur w/ Marie? As for challenges, congrats on last week's!
    Challenges this week:
    1. Clear off and dust off/wipe down one surface that's really bugging you (in my case the desk).
    2. Get rid of 6 items of clothing, minimum, of mine that don't score a 9 or 10 on the worthy-to-keep scale.
    3. Do a hobby thing for relaxation one evening.
    4. Put 2 things in a shoebox started for OCC '08. (I bought a pair of socks for a girl. Gotta find another thing. My goal is to double the amount of boxes we sent last year, so I have to start now.)
    5. Read an article on persecuted Christians and pray for them.

  6. yes, I was thinking Beth :)

    ooh, good challenges.

    1. I actually, shockingly--mark it on the calendar!--did some dusting yesterday...but our desk, too, desperately needs wiped down. I cleared it/organized it last week and never got to the dusting it is buried again! argh!
    2. probably a good idea...I'm TERRIBLE at purging
    3. This Friday happens to be Hobby Night at church...I'll be scrapping/stamping with some friends til midnight :)
    4. we actually have a shoebox started of leftovers from this year!
    5. I have been woefully neglectful of this...will do this and even try to get another blog entry up Friday.

    Thanks for the challenges/motivation :) Your items, so far, have been a lot better/applicable for me than the Company Girl ones!

  7. Grrr. I just wrote a nice, long comment and couldn't publish because I wasn't signed in to Wordpress. For my party (and I know this is not the game), I would loath getting kicked out of comment boxes and 5th grade math. :) tee hee

    I knew Beth right away. my brain is too mushy to come up with my own, but I am thinking...

  8. Okay, so we're all at Walmart, no make-up. Got it. As we look around we see hairy men with back fat, and
    everything in complete disarray. Who's the MOST upset?

  9. Umm...I personally would be...but I don't think I'm the one you're talking about! ;)

  10. hmmm....YOU, Zoanna?

  11. I keep forgetting to post this...but for your unbirthday party (and mine), I would be sure to send out formal invitations:

    "YOUR INVITED! To the Zubrowski's house..."

    :) ack, I can hardly even stand to type that!

  12. I'd be disgusted by the hairy men...but I'm thinking of someone else.
    Not you, Kristin.
    And Amy, yes, it pains me to read your formal invitations. Absolutely pains me. I would send them back to the printer, even if got a deal like "Invitation's, 10 for a peny."

    I'm waiting for more guesses to come in on this one!


I love nice comments. Please leave one in my box.