Monday, January 14, 2008

Wanna come Along?

Today: I will clean out under one bathroom sink.
Tues: I will mail all my Christmas thank yous, no matter what
WEds: I will try a new recipe (asparagus fixed differently; got advice?).
Thurs:i will buy a garden journal to sketch my dreams, write plans
Friday:I will ask a friend over for lunch (don't know who yet) Last week it was Kelly, impromptu, and I was so refreshed afterward!
Friday: I'll do something special for Paul (don't know what yet)

Saturday I will donate a bunch of stuff to Goodwill.
Sunday I hope to go to church .

Will you be joining me for any of these?


  1. Well, one goal for the month is to sketch out a plan for my garden, so I'll kind of be joining you there.

    I don't know how you usually make asparagus, but we grill or broil it with some olive oil, salt and pepper, and then sprinkle a little bit of parm. cheese on right before taking it out. Delicious.

  2. here's my tip for asparagus; my sister in law fixed it this way recently and i think i could have eaten the entire pan....of asparagus...who says that about asparagus? :)

    She just sauteed it in olive oil, salt, and squeezed lemon juice on top. I think that was was awesome. sounds simple; it is..and good! Did I mention it was really good? I think it makes a difference if you choose skinnier stalks. The lemon/salt combo. is what did it for me...

  3. Hey girls..danielle and Zo, can you give me a quick course in "garden prep". I really want to do a small vegetable garden this year and usually, by the time I think about doing it, it's really too late and I say to myself, "oh, I'll try to figure it out next year". So, here I am in January and the thought actually occured to me that I needed to think about it now or soon. But, I've never done it, don't have any prepared soil or spot to do it in and three kids who keep me rather busy. What's the easiest and simplest way to get started and when do I need to start.

    To give you a glimpse into how bad of a gardener I am, my rose bushes are still not trimmed from last season...yikes! This is something I do want to grow in and include my kids in, too. I think it would be as therapeutic for me as running or hiking.

  4. I need a good challenge for the Christmas TYs...have a stack of them to write for both me and E. So I'll join you on that one!

    Was already hoping to do Friday's challenge of having someone over for lunch--your invite gives me that extra little push to go pick up the phone right as soon as I'm done commenting!

    And my trunk is full of Goodwill bags that have been there since before Christmas...will make it my goal to get them there by Saturday.

    Thanks for the challenge!

  5. update: Done! Just got off the phone with a woman from church I've been wanting to get to know better. She's coming over for lunch Thursday. I am really looking forward to it...but for some stupid reason I always get worked up about having to pick up the phone and call someone like that and I just put it off. Thanks for the added push I needed--I am hoping Thursday will be a blessing to me AND to her! I pray you will have a blessed lunch with a friend, too :)

  6. Bri and Danielle, both asparagus recipes sound great. WHat if I combined them ? Sautee them in olive oil, squeeze lemon juice over, and sprinkle parm cheese? I'll try it!

    Bri, as for the garden, think really small. I'd say choose your favorite vegetable and if it doesn't spread (like squash) plant 3 of them. NOt just one cuz it might not thrive. One per kid, so to speak, to care for. Peppers do well, as do beans, but beans are a lot of work. I'd also plant herbs from seed. You can start them indoors in an egg carton, sprinkle them with water when soild is dry and the kids will see results. Marigolds also bloom fast.
    That's what hooks kids--fast bloomin' stuff.

    I wouldn't do more than a 3x3 plot to start and see if you like it.

  7. Good for you, Amy! I understand the cold calling bit. To get over it, I put myself in the other person's place. It is always such an HONOR to be invited to someone's house that I float for days before and days after. That they want to spend time with ME is just so....sweet! I know it takes a bit of sacrifice, but I just get so much more out of it than I put into it. If nothing else, it's an excuse to put fresh flowers on the table!
    Wish you lived closer, you'd be hearing the phone ring!
    But if you can make it Friday, you're welcome:).
    For thank yous this year, I used photos that didn't make the cut for the scrapbook but are good enough for relatives. I glued a 4x6 indext to the back of it and wrote on that. I recycle greeting card size envelopes that have just a name on them (no address stamp, etc). I can put stickers over the name and dress up the envelope that way.

    Well, I've got to get to that sink job. Maybe I'll photograph it when I'm done. Pictures last longer than the real thing.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. The deleted comment was a duplicate of the one to Amy. Didn't think I hit the button twice, but guess so.

  10. We love Asparagus on the grill with olive oil and garlic on it. Regular veggie side around here. HEE HEE.

    I am in the garden this week too. January is rose pruning time around here. I got that done last week. I have a sweet peas started that I need to get in the ground and I need my hubby to pick up a free load of horse poo to fertilize the garden with. FUN FUN. Good Times. I love poo!!! So my garden goal for the week is to get the sweet peas in the ground and a mesh trellis built for them and to pick up the poo to sit on my driveway and do its decomposing thing before I can spread it. I have a big garden notebook that I keep info on all plants I have in the garden and what I want to add or change.

    Love all your other plans. I need to do this. You go girl

  11. Bethany, you should post a picture of your gardening journal and how you organize it. Like do you go by year or plant?

  12. Sweet Peas and Poo. Is that the title of your gardening journal, Bethany? Danielle has the right idea--post it! I'm just tired of wondering, "Okay, did I plant stargazer lilies or did I decide, once again, they were too expensive? What did I plant instead? Why didn't my sunflowers bloom? Where did I transplant the tulips?" That kind of thing.

    I cleaned out and organized under my bathroom sink. Then cleaned the bathroom. It took 1 hour and 10 minutes total, and I needed a pain pill right afterwards, but it was worth it.

    Glad to have company in some of my little ventures!

  13. I'll be tackling the 'under the sink' thing this week too...but don't know if it will happen tomorrow or not. I've got lots of big organzing plans for this week...oooh, I can't wait to get started!!

    Also, something must've happened to one of my comments before, but I was voting a yes on posting your rhyme (but it was much wordier the first time I said it).


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