Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ben's Got Interviews This Week

My 19-year old is considering two jobs.
One is at Home Depot, and the positions available are in Lumber, Lawn & Garden, and Cashier. He says (to me) "anything but Lawn and Garden!" but to those at HD he says he'll work anywhere. I have assured him that working in the garden department will not make people think he's gay. I know that's what he worried about. He couldn't care less about the difference between daisies and delphiniums. We've told him, "Ben, mostly what you'll be doing is lifting heavy mulch for women my age who have no muscles or bladder support. Or you'll have old people who need you to carry a potted plant. Anyone who sees you will want your help with the high and heavy stuff." His other reservation about the Depot is that it doesn't pay as well as the other employer.

The other one is Pier 1 warehouse. He'd be driving a forklift. Paul and I (and my sister) have all told him we think there's nowhere to go in the warehouse, that he probably wouldn't learn much about the business. Home Depot would probably move him around and maybe up, and the drive is shorter. But Ben wants to take the best paying job until he can get an internship that an older friend is trying to arrange for him. WE've said there are no guarantees and at this point, he's better off taking a job that will give him a look at many facets of business (his major). OF course, as a businessman at heart, he is looking at the bottom line! What's a parent to do?

Please pray for wisdom. His interview at Pier 1 is at 10:30 today EST. He is to be getting called for a second interview with HD any day now.

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