Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Wanted: Peace and Healing

I am afraid right now and I need God's peace. I have had pain in my right foot and now it's in the left, pain that I started noticing around Thanksgiving. When it got really bad a month ago, I went to Patient First where the doctor diagnosed plantar fasciitis. She recommended icing my foot every morning after doing heel stretches, taking ibuprofen as needed, investing in well-cushioned tennis shoes, wearing heels, and getting physical therapy. I asked her if it would resolve, and she said "yes, but it could take awhile--six or eight weeks is normal." That was January 3rd, and I was already six weeks into it.

Right after bladder surgery on January 7th, I was on Lortabs which were so "good" I couldn't feel my foot pain, so I thought the rest I'd been getting was the cure. Wrong. It simply masked the pain, and perhaps I did worse damage.

Getting out of bed I can hardly walk to the bathroom each morning. I do the stretches before making breakfast or packing lunches;otherwise I can't stand in the kitchen. Then I lay on the couch reading my Bible while I rest my feet on a bag of frozen corn wrapped in a dish towel. Then I take a shower, do my hair and make-up and put on my heels. You can't wear heels w/o make-up, of course, so at least I loook better these days though I feel worse! You should see me. Or rather, don't, because it could also mean you see the sweatpants with heels, which--as I told Leanne--makes me not a fashion statement but a fashion question. I try not to take meds because if I fear the liver damage of taking them as often as I feel pain. Sometimes I look from one end of the house to the other and I may as well be seeing the Grand Canyon. Can I really walk from here to there? Today I had a friend, Lauren, over at 1:00, for the very first time. Knowing she was coming, plus the beautiful warm air blowing in through OPEN windows today, I was able to dust, vacuum, windex, clean a bathroom, do the dishes, fix lunch, and arrange some flowers with minimal pain. Was that the grace of God or the fear of man (woman)? Sometimes the lines between the two are blurred.

Anway, physical therapy is my next resort. I dread the inconvenience of trying to fit that into my week, but I lay here fantasizing that someone's rubbing my feet.

What I am afraid of is that this pain is not plantar fasciitis but diabetic nerve pain. In that case, the pain gets worse, not better. I'm not just in pain, my ankle muscles are weak. I go down stairs taking baby steps.

I am afraid to face this disease. My grandmother had it, my mom has it. I"m afraid of going blind, of losing a foot, of being comatose and all alone when it happens. My thoughts run the gamut and it's debilitating. It's not cancer, it's not MS, and it's not Alzheimer's. Those are my greatest fears.

I have asked for prayer at care group. I have sobbed, "ABba , Father, heal me!" and yet He has not chosen, so far, to do so. My faith is as weak as my ankles, my fear as great as my pain right now. Please pray for the reverse: that my faith would be made strong, that my heart will be at peace.


  1. Zo
    I am praying for you right now. Just remember God's word tells us to not borrow trouble or worry from tomorrow for today has enough of it's own...Do not let your mind go there. Take all of your thoughts captive. As Kay arthur said in Lord Heal My hurts. Is this what Jesus would be thinking saying etc...Please my friend do not let the enemy take you down this road of irrational thinking and fear...I am praying...Father God please grant my sister Zo peace. Lord a peace that surpasses all understanding. Give her a faith that is bigger and brighter than she can even imagine. Allow her to feel you close to her and Holy Spirit come and fill her a fresh this night. God we know that You can heal her foot pain if You so choose. We also know that in our weakness You are made strong. Be strong for Zo now. Allow her to rest and have emotional comfort. We are so very grateful that we can come to You in our time of need. Thank You Father. In Jesus's name we pray AMEN!!! So Be It!!!

  2. Wrote you an e-mail response :)

  3. Will be praying for both peace and healing!

  4. Will be praying for you Zo...remember, even when we are weak and faithless, HE is faithful. I will pray for peace AND healing.

    I did have plantar fascitis several years ago and it was terribly painful; but I got orthodic inserts for my shoes, and though I had to give it time to heal, and had to stay on ibuprofen til it was better it DID get better. The custom orthodics were worth every penny if that is an option for you. I also had weak ankles that I was ALWAYS spraining, (like every 6-8 months it seemed), but since I've gotten the orthodics I haven't sprained them once (and it's been about 8-9 years).

    Hang in there...God is faithful!!!

  5. I'm praying. I'm so sorry.

  6. When I question the depth (or lack of depth) of my faith I'm reminded that Jesus still performed miracles in the face of deep faith and shallow faith. I find that I'm more like the disciples fearing the storms never realizing that the Creator is 'in the boat with me'...I hope you can use these words as comfort and encouragment. May God richly bless as you still seek to serve Him!

  7. Mrs Zoe,
    i feel your pain! I've had the worst knee pain for about two years. I know what you mean about looking from one side of the house to the other, because I stand at the bottom of my steps looking up, wondering if I can climb that Mt. Everest!
    I also just started physical Therepy, and while it's going to be hard to do 2x a week (esp being @ st Agnus hospital) it should help! I hope you start feeling better, I'll be praying for you!


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