Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wonderful Reports

God deluged Stephen with His glory and power at the men's retreat. My 16 year old loves the gospel and he got to witness the salvation of a man there. I don't want to steal anyone's thunder before she tells you all about it, so I won't name names.

Stephen was telling me that it was a man he didn't know, but was placed in the same small group. He had been hearing the straight, clear message of sin, forgiveness through Christ, and his need for redemption. STephen said the group leader (after much talking amongst themselves) asked the man something like, "Do you accept Jesus' sacrifice for your sin as the only way to be saved?"

The man says, "Hell, yeah. I mean, heck yeah, I mean yeah. Yeah."

The men tried not to laugh, but can you imagine? Stephen loved the whole experience, the way people witnessing the birth of a baby describe it. Amazing. Miraculous. Something from nothing. Incredible. Stephen said, "I had tears just running down my face. I loved seeing the perspective of a new believer. I loved his prayer."

"Oh, prayers of new Christians are the best, I agreed. "Totally stripped of all the lingo, all the familiar phrases that the rest of tend to use."

"Yeah, it was just simple but profound," he said. "I wish I would always see the power of the gospel like that--always new, always life-changing."

Stephen couldn't have asked for a better experience!
As for the appointment at college, that came off without a hitch. The weather was fine. He and Sarah sat for the three-hour scholarship essay. They had to choose to write on one of three topics. Sarah chose the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. Stephen wrote on the dangers of teenage sex. I hope they both get scholarships, but if they don't, I'm still proud as punch that they attempted it.

1 comment:

  1. no thunder stolen at all ;) God is an awesome God and I am so happy!!

    I did post, with Ronan's permission, his conversion story. We are both so grateful how the men from our church really opened up to him. In that enviroment it was easier for him to allow himself to really hear God's call. Tell you son that I agree with him re: Ronan's prayers. For the first time Ronan prayed with me. I can't tell you what that was like to hear my husband's faith!!

    Congrats to Stephen and Sarah. I pray for a good outcome re: scholarships.

    I better stop rambling now and get Tommy ready for school ;)



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