Monday, March 17, 2008

How Many Pollocks Does it Take to Make a Decision?

Disclaimer for those who don't know: Our last name ends with "-ski." I am allowed to make fun of us. Hence the title of this post.

Now on to matter at hand.

Our family makes no decisions quickly. Coming to a consensus on where to eat last night was no exception. It's kind of funny, actually. Maybe someday I'll be able to laugh about our process. The factors we were dealing with last night included, but were not limited to:

1) Paul wanted it to be a nice restaurant: taste trumps atmosphere, but it can't break the bank.
2) He didn't want to wait more than 35 minutes for a table if we got there at 6:30.
3) He wanted to try someplace new to the family than came highly recommended by people who share his passion for fine food.

4) I wanted someplace new. Atmosphere and taste are twins, with A born first. Price? Who cares, as long as it fulfills those twin requirements?
5) I was fine with seafood (always am) . Pasta with seafood is another set of wonderful twins.
6) It had to be a place where an energetic kid would not stick out in the crowd.

7) Ben wanted it to be close to home. He's not about spending an entire evening around the table. You sit, you eat, you pay, you leave.
8) He wanted protein and a good salad.
9) Price never matters to him if someone else (in this case Dad) is paying.

10) Sarah loves a long drive. She did not want a local joint.
11) She is price-conscious and doesn't like anything too froo-froo.
12) She loves Italian food.

13) Stephen's middle name is Shrimp. His nickname is CarboMan.
14) He is the most agreeable one in our whole bunch. Price, location, atmosphere, taste, are all about equal.
15) He believes in letting the ones buying have the first and last word.

16) Joel loves pasta. Hates fish.
17) He knows nothing about the price of food except how to read it. We hoped for a good kids' menu.
18) If the atmosphere calls for quiet, sit-down and act twice your age,
he gets loud, gets up when he's done, and acts half his age. Nuff said.

We got only Beth's recommendation before leaving the house and found out Bonefish had a 35-40 minute wait. We headed there. But Sarah said, "Bel Air? That's not far enough!" We weren't out of the neighborhood before Paul told her to pull over. We discussed the options. Again. Napless Joel was making it clear that a long drive might be just the ticket to make the evening pleasant. He could not be convinced that Bonefish is not all fish.

Paul was asking me where I wanted to go. I said, "We're celebrating your new job, and Ben's new job, and Sarah's teaching, and Stephen's scholarship. I want the 4 of you to agree. It's a bit cold, so I'd prefer not to go to the Inner Harbor. And Joel needs some sleep."
Ben: It's not all about Joel. Since when does a six year old decide where we go for dinner?
Me: He doesn't. But if you want to see him rested, we have to take a longer drive. He's on Wii overload.
Stephen: Can we decide while we drive?
Sarah (driving): Do I turn right or left out of here?
Me: Stay put.
Paul: How about Amicci's? It's got pasta for everyone, I'm sure chicken parm or something for Ben, plus salad, it's a long drive for Sarah, you won't have far to walk, Joel can get some sleep, and I can tell Curtis {former boss he thinks the world of} that we went to his favorite restaurant.
Me: Sounds good to me. Everyone?
Ben: (asleep)
Joel: (asleep)
Stephen: Fine.
Sarah: So I turn left. Yes! Finally!

Next post: My review of Amicci's, which I promise to make at least as long as our deciding process, and twice as boring.


  1. You are so witty. Somehow I'm entertained while reading the rhyme and reason behind the zubs choice of restaurant...not many people can make that interesting. Bravo.

  2. I agree.

    Hope you liked Amicci's. That's where we went the night we got engaged.


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