Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Q&A Wednesday

How do you picture your life in 5 years? 10? 20?


  1. Quiet; able to finish a thought, sentence, meal; wiping no one's butt but my own...

  2. Hey Zo, how are ya?

    My life in 5 years, wow! I can't even figure out what my life will be like in 5 days. I could be married, with kids, or single and adopting a kid or single. 10 years, 20 years? Wow, I don't know. I had to write a paper in college of what my life would be like when I was in my 70's. In my paper I had married a guy named Fred and we had adopted our four children from different countries. We went on mission trips every few years and were enjoying our grandkids. I hope however my life turns out I will still be at my church, living in my small town. I pray I will have an ever increasing passion for the Lord and know more of Him every year I am alive until I go home...

    How about you Zo?

  3. In 5 years I hope to be out of college, and in my first or second year of teaching. Maybe in a courtship.

    In 10 years I hope to be married with a handful of kids. But if not, I hope to at least be an aunt.

    In 20 years I hope to be homeschooling some middle schoolers and teaching little ones to read. And maybe seeing my little brother get married or have have a family.

  4. 5 Years: Have one more child (maybe a girl?); have my first children's book published;

    10 Years: Homeschooling; Will have moved to a bigger house that will house the family and be more suitable for hospitality; Josh will be owning his own construction company; I'll be writing/illustrating books (if not, at least still freelancing articles and running my own design business); possible will have adopted a child.

    20 Years: I can't even think that far! But my little boys will be in college, Lord willing. I'll be getting used to having almost adult children!

  5. So funny that you asked this, I JUST asked someone else.

    5 years? Married with Children, poor as anything, but loving life. Maybe as a missionaries wife? OR single and on the mission field. Either way I am open to. (Of course God could call me to be here and work, which would be ok too)

    10 years? pretty much the same at 5.
    20 years? that's too far off.

  6. Jessi, you're stinkin' hilarious.

    Vicki-I'm okay, not great. In five years I hope to have learned what it is to be a good wife. AFter 21 years I still don't know. I also hope to go on more missions trips, take a 25th anniv trip to Italy, and still have my parents in my life. (Ditto about kids!) In 10, hope my parents are still alive, hope I have a mess o' grandkids nearby (not off in a foreign country), hope my hubby will have caught the desire to take short term missions trips. I would love to be teaching all along the way--high school English, lower to mid-level art, and have churned out a book. In 20 I hope I can still sit up and take nourishment.

    Sarah, shhhhhhh! NO talk of baby brother getting married! C'mon. Let me enjoy his childhood without thinking about that!

    Sacha, I can see your 5-year hopes coming to fruition as a missionary's wife.

    Danielle, I predict you'll have more than one more child in the next 5 years. NOt pushing the CCC culture on you, but have three times told women they're going to have children and in six weeks they tell me it's true! As for a children's book, I'l lbuy the first copy!


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