Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Size 7.5 Testimony

Today around 10 a.m. it occurred to me that my feet weren't hurting. I was barefoot, usually the worst possible thing I can do for these feet that haven't been right since November. I believe my arches fell then. Never have I had chronic foot pain. The plantar fasciitis I had in the one foot in the winter-- which caused searing pain not unlike that of stepping on a two-pronged Lego-- eventually subsided but was replaced with chronic achey pain in both feet and ankles.

I am not saying I am healed. I am saying today my feet don't hurt and I'm thanking God. One pain-free day is worth celebrating.

I want to hear about any of your recent testimonies of any kind! Remember I missed the Sunday when a plethora of people gave testimonies in church. I am feeling like a need a filler-up from other people's experiences. Please comment or link in my box.

Another one is coming.........the great "room reveal"!


  1. Hey Zo, I have three things wrong with my feet... plantar fascitis, bone spurs and one other thing I forget... something Achilles...

    Anyway, I was in excruciating pain and could barely walk. I saw a foot doc and he said that yes my arches are falling (I have very high arches) but also suggested some wonderful things to help.

    I got orthodic inserts - (ok I am 36 - not 63) - I don't use the all the time because they don't fit well in a lot of my shoes, I started to only wear shoes with great arch support - (If you have never owned a pair of Naot's - you should give them a try - best arch support I have ever found in a shoe - I walk forever in them. I have a pair of clogs that I wear even for long, intense walks. They are more comfortable than tennis shoes. They are a bit pricey though... but oh so worth it!)

    I also got what I call a foot shocker - sequential stimulator. Basically you hook these electric pads to your feet and shock them... feels like a wonderful foot massage.

    I found that wearing only shoes with great arch support - good quality shoes - is what made the biggest difference. (You might pay $100 - $150 for a pair of shoes, but I would have paid two or three times that to have the foot pain go away.) I picked a shoe that I can wear everyday. A lot of people think I am nuts to spend so much on shoes, but I think I have only bought three pair that expensive and make sure I can wear them a lot. They last for many, many years - you can't say that about cheap shoes...

    Anyway - I haven't had foot pain in months and it is wonderful!

    Glad you are pain free today too...

  2. So glad your feet aren't hurting today! I can't imagine trying to get things done throughout the day with hurting feet!


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