Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Paul!

My husband turns 47 today. Can't believe I'm old enough to have a 47-year-old husband. Weren't we young just last week?

Paul, I don't know if you'll read this. I know you're blog-averse, but I want to write down my appreciation for you. (Yes, you can use it at strategic moments in the future.)

I appreciate your steadfastness. I can count on you.

I appreciate your work ethic. It's rare these days to be employed 24 years in one place . I'm glad you have an impeccable track record for getting along with people, for striving to be your best, for putting career ahead of leisure.

I appreciate your sense of humor. It's gotten cornier over the years. I must be rubbing off on you.

I appreciate your dedication to church and care group as a worship leader. Hearing you play guitar is always soothing to my soul.

I appreciate that you like me to experiment in the kitchen and that you're not stuck on meat and potatoes. I also appreciate that you don't bark at me when I pull lame leftovers out of the fridge and call it a meal.

I appreciate your recent efforts in growing in romance. I know it's "foreign" to you, but the other morning when you wrote "I LOVE YOU" with blue toothpaste in the bathroom sink was just about the best morning I've had in years!

I appreciate how much time you spend with the kids, teaching them to play golf, encouraging their music, listening to their points of view. You're a great dad.

I appreciate that maybe you're still reading this.

I appreciate that you've stuck with me through all kinds of moods and madness. A lesser man would've called it quits a long time ago. You are a man of your word.

I appreciate that God decided to make us one.

I love you.

Happy birthday from your much younger wife. :)



  1. What a wonderful tribute to your hubby. I'm stealing his blue toothpaste I love you idea :). If he doesn't check the comment box on the blog, can you tell Paul I said happy birthday from Jason and me!

  2. I sure will tell him, Laurie. That'll mean a lot to him. (He tries to keep a cool exterior, but anything from Jason goes much deeper with him.)

  3. zoya. This was so sweet. it touched my heart. Thank you for example of devotion and love to your husband. You are modeling Christ. Thank you and happy birthday Paul!

  4. Aww, so sweet!


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