Friday, June 27, 2008

One More Post for the Day: Chirp 'n Chuckle

I've not blogged all week and must be having withdrawal symptoms.

Just a funnie before a sign off.

Yesterday I was delighting in watching my little songbird friends land, nibble, take off, and repeat. Stephen came into the living room just as a sweet cardinal alighted on the feeder.

"Look!" I said, "that's Mary." (He looked for a woman.)

"Mary and Mannie come every day, but almost never together," I explained as he watched the redwinged gal peck at the seeds. " Mannie is short for "Emmanuel" which means "God with us" because of how God sent a cardinal a few years ago when I was super depressed and just wanted to know He was with me."

"Mannie, huh? And Mary?"

"Yeh, she's the female there. You can tell. She's not as bright."

Stephen erupted in a hearty man-chuckle.

"I mean, she's not as brightly colored!"

But it was too late.

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