Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Please Pray for Shelley

Shelley is my friend Renee's sister. Yesterday Renee' and her mom flew out to Colorado to visit Shelleywho now has Stage 4 breast cancer. Not only that, the liver has been affected and is in worse shape. Doctors need to do surgery on the liver first.

Please pray with me for Shelley, Renee' and the whole family. I know what it's like to have a sister hundreds of miles away all the time (I have one in TX, one in NV) and it feels horrible when they're going through something you have no control over, nor the ability to be there 24/7 for comfort and practical help.

I will be keeping two of Renee's kids tomorrow (Jesse and Mary). Jesse is like Joel's little brother, and Mary likes being a little Mother's Helper. Renee' says she loves to cook and clean, so who is getting the better end of this deal??? I think we'll feed the roses, make some bruschetta from scratch, write a letter to a soldier, play a board game, and do some other fun stuff. I think I might also promise them a snowball in exchange for matching up 5 pairs of Mr. Paul's socks! If they match 10, he'd probably say "Take 'em to Rita's!"

Seriously, would you please remember Renee, Shelley, et al in your prayers?

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