Saturday, July 12, 2008

Being Emptied , Part I

Sadness swept over me and crushed me like a tsunami a few nights ago. I wanted to take a deep breath and then exhale, hoping it would subside. But the more I tried to squelch it, the harder it slammed against the walls of my spirit. I didn't feel depressed. (I know what that monster feels like.) This was not self-condemning. It wasn't a reaction to traumatic news because I hadn't had any. Sure, all three of my sons had been injured--two seriously--in less than two weeks, but the sadness didn't worsen upon rehearsing those events. I wondered about PMS, but I wasn't irritable. Was I still disappointed that I hadn't seen the 4th of July parade as I had really wanted this year, to salute veterans? A little, but not enough to cry about it! Neither was I "beyond tired" nor did my feet hurt any worse than usual. I didn't think I was angry with anyone (and anger is usually followed by tears with me). There were no tears. Just sadness.

But why? I didn't know, but I wanted to know. It seemed like God was in this moment (and by that I don't mean He's absent from some moments, but most of my crying is from selfishness. This was different.) It felt like this burst of sadness could be a healing of sorts. Cathartic. Redemptive.

I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

"Father God, I am so sad. I just feel like I could cry a river right now and still be sad. Please have mercy. Please help me understand this," I prayed. "If it's just to let out pent-up emotions that I've been storing up, okay, but I don't want to wake up Paul. Or maybe I do. But he wouldn't want to wake up." I sensed this was between God and me, anyway. Not between Paul and me.

At that moment, I sensed the presence of God's Spirit very close. It was a holy moment. If I weren't already barefoot, I would've taken off my shoes.


  1. this is so intriguing...I hope the follow-up is coming soon!

  2. I wonder if any woman doesn't feel this way every so often?! I certianly do.
    Life is hard, and even when things are going well you can just sort of fall apart.
    Isn't it wonderful, and so joyous to have a Savior we can lean on for understanding and comfort?!!
    Christ can not only comfort us, but guide us back...give us hope, give us happiness and joy in this life until the day we meet him face to face! :)

  3. Your words have blessed me not only through your blog but also at caregroup. God really spoke to me through you last night. Thank you for allowing yourself to be so "naked" ;)in front of us.


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