Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Announcing a New Direction

At long last my answer came yesterday.

I was hired by our church school to teach art, writing, grammar, and U.S. History.
Art will be for the 3rd/4th grade class as well as the 5th/6th grade class. As for the other subjects, I will be teaching only the 5th/6th grade class (a combined class, for those who don't know).

I've been so excited I can hardly sleep. My mind stays alert planning fun stuff. (I hope it's fun, anyway.) I want my classroom to be the most fun one in the whole building. No, actually, if it's as fun as Joel's first grade class, I'll be happy.

If I had the mental energy right now to tell the nifty details of how this all happened, I would. But for now I'll just say I feel privileged, humbled, excited, and a bit nervous all at once. It's such an answer to prayer.

I will also keep my feet in the homeschool world by teaching a writing class on Thursday to two high school girls. They really want to improve as writers, so they're self-motivated. They'll be coming to my house. The girls' mothers have been begging for a few years, but this is the first time it's worked out all the way around. Once again, an answer to prayer(s)!


  1. Awesome! Here's a job you'll love, plus be near to Joel! Congratulations. Boy, you're going to be busy!

  2. I KNEW IT! That was my general guess back when you posted that "teaser"!

    Yay Zoanna! I am thrilled for you and KNOW that God is going to amaze you in this next new season! And yes, you're going to be busy...it certainly grew me in my dependence on the Lord. Not a bad thing at all! :o)

  3. That's wonderful! What a blessing and answer to prayer!

  4. I am so excited for you and the kids!

  5. Not only am I excited for you because you're going to be using your gifts, but I'm so excited for your students who will be the recipients of your gifts. This is so great, Zoanna. I am truly rejoicing with you.


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