Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven Years Ago Today

I was homeschooling. Joel was in utero. The TV was off, as usual during the day, and Paul called to tell me around 9 a.m. I was stunned. I turned the TV on real fast to catch the news for myself. When the I thought I was tuning in to replay after replay of what I thought was the ONLY crash, along came a second plane! I remember how sick, how utterly, numbingly sick I felt. This was real and it was no accident.

Today I wept as I prayed for all those who lost loved ones as a result, whether at Ground Zero or overseas in the military since 9/11.

Where were you and what were you doing when you heard the news of the terrorist attacks on
the Twin Towers?


  1. I was at my graphic design internship in York, PA. Somebody told us what was going on and we all went downstairs to the conference room to turn on the TV. It was hard to go back to work for the rest of the day . . .

  2. I was in my 1st year of teaching at Magnolia Elem. I had just taken my students to their special class (it was either music or gym) and I walked into the office and saw the crash. It was unbelievable. Then chaos broke out. Parents began arriving to pick their students up b/c no one knew where the terrorists were going to strike next. It was hard keeping it from the children, but we weren't allowed to talk to them about it.


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