Monday, October 20, 2008

From Smooth Riders to Rough Riders

My class loved their Model T ride. They made keepsake books with pictures of that field trip. Everyone did a really good job and learned a lot.

Next on the fun agenda is a Teddy Roosevelt party. We would have it next Monday, his actual 150th birthday, but one person won't be there. That's a big percentage of my little class! So we're having it Tuesday, which works out better anyway.

As you may recall, Teddy Roosevelt was our 26th President. He took office the day McKinley died from a gunshot wound. (Ironically, doctors who opened him up couldn't find the bullet. They didn't want to test Edison's new invention, the X-ray machine, for fear of unknown side effects. So they closed him up and he died.) Teddy also refused to shoot a bear once, and when word got out, it started the whole teddy bear toy craze. He led the Rough Riders to victory and was a true statesman, equestrian, happy dad, and loving husband. (His first wife and his mother died on Valentine's Day the same year in the same house, two days after the complicated birth of his daughter.)

So we are celebrating his life.

I put up the menu on the board:

Buffalo wings
Salad (with ranch dressing)
Saddle shaped chips (Pringles)
Dirt cake with teddy gummie bears
Teddy Grahams

The kids were quick to volunteer their moms.
One suggested we turn the desks and chairs into horses.
I am using napkins from a blogging friend, Rachelle, that are SO PERFECT. She was a blogger who won a Russian rag doll in my contest last summer. As a thank-you, she sent me a package of party napkins that have cattle brands of Southwest ranchers printed on them!!! (Rachelle, I hope you're reading this. You have no idea how thrilled I am about these napkins! The Lord had this party in mind way back when!)

I'd love to hear suggestions for games to make it fun. I could make it educational, but I'd rather it be just good ol' brainless fun. We only have an hour. Giddy-up!


  1. I enjoy reading about Teddy's colorful life. Also, his first daughter Alice was very interesting.

  2. Oh I loved reading about your creative made me miss those little extras I would often try to incorporate into my 9th/10th grade Geography classes.

    Swedish fish when studying Scandinavia, Klondike bars for Canada, take-out lunch from La Tolteca for Middle America, a tea party for the British Isles, golabki, crepes and cucumber salad for Easter Europe...can you tell I like food? :o\

  3. Sorry I have been sooooo long reading and commenting. Blogger was giving me hiccups, or was that heartburn? Anyway, I'm so thrilled you could use the napkins for something fun!



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