Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ben's Surgery, 12/15, 10 a.m.

Monday morning (tomorrow) is Ben's arthroscopic surgery on his right shoulder (to repair and old lacrosse injury. His arm occasionally pops out of place and he has lost range of motion gradually over the years. The surgery should fix the problem.)

Please pray for him (and for us). We have to be there at 8, surgery's at 10, is expected to take 2 hours plus 1.5 hours in recovery in one of Baltimore's best for sports-related surgeries.

He's looking forward to getting it over with.

I know it's routine for the doctors, but it's not part of our routine. We could use the prayer.


  1. Know exactly what you mean when you say it's routine for the docs, but not part of your routine.

    Praying all went well and recovery comes quickly!


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