Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Help! I need a Teacup! 11th-hour Cry!

I pulled out my teacups and saucers from the basement earlier this week, thinking I had the necessary 8 for my ladies' breakfast table this Saturday. I searched and searched the house, even went to Goodwill, but I am still ONE SHORT! This is a very long shot, a very late and desperate request, but ....

would anyone reading this happen to have a teacup that would match or coordinate with my set? Let me describe. ( I actually have 6 of 1 set and 1 of another, making 7, nearly identical.)

The set is called Royal Swirl. It's a china cup (whitish) with silver trim and pink roses.

It must have been popular in its day because I can usually find it anywhere (Goodwill, Thrift stores, yard sales).

I have 8 saucers, just need the cup. Anybody have this or know someone who does?? Nothing like waiting till Dec 3rd to prepare for a shindig on the 6th, huh?


  1. Check with Carole E. She and Bruce have quite a collection. I don't know if she'll let you borrow if their heirlooms or something, but I know they have quite a number of them. Trying to help. I know you'll come up with something, the resourceful girl that you are.

  2. Hope you found another cup! Ahhh. Those important details!
    Thanks for update on your sis. I'm so sorry about her horse tragedy. Ugh!
    Glad there is no cancer. Keeping Andrea in prayer.

  3. Thanks, both of you. I found one yesteday at the thrift store. Not a perfect match, but it'll do. I actually put it back, thinking someone may have one. I'll check with Carole first. I wouldn't even think of borrowing something that's breakable AND sentimental. I may be resourceful, but I'm also a klutz.


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