Friday, March 20, 2009

Feeling the "Good Kind" of Tired

I'm whooped. Totally worn out from our day at BizTown. It was a great day, completely "Bizzy" every moment of the day. Too tired, in fact, to detail our day, but I hope to get permission from the parents so I can show our " citizens" hard at work. I wish I had put dinner in the Crock Pot before leaving this morning. It sure would have been nice to come to Karen's delicious Pork Chops with Cranberry-Apple Butter Glaze and stuffing. (Karen, you must post that recipe. It was such a hit with the whole family, even Ben who doesn't like "sweet" with "meat"!)

Speaking of Ben, he turns 21 tomorrow. He has big plans to celebrate with friends at a local restaurant. I love the way his age group does birthdays. They just text each other and say, "Wanna hang out on my birthday? We're going to meet at {restaurant}at {time. See ya." Everyone goes Dutch, they might or might not do cards (they're guys, so "might not" is more likely!) and so the planning is about as minimal as you can get. Oh, to adopt that mindset:). The parental units are completely out of the picture. We'll take him out Sunday or Monday or "whenever." He's just really excited at how well the Terps are doing so he can watch them on his birthday. To each his own. It impresses me that God takes details like that into account. God knows I wouldn't care who was winning what on my birthday, but if I didn't get flowers and a cake and a professional massage and a great dinner and lots of cards with actual writing (not just a signature) and calls from my parents and my sisters, and a gift from Barb, and ....and....and...well, I am just a big baby that way, so good thing I only have one birthday a year, huh? And good thing it's not coming up any time soon. They seem to come closer than 12 months apart.

Now, time for a nap!


  1. Too cute...I also am a subscriber to the 'high maintenance' birthday!

    Just stopped by for a visit...enjoyed your blog!

    Bless you,

  2. That made me laugh - I have 3 teens and a 20 year old, so it won't be long before birthdays are that way for us, I guess.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Tried to comment before but blogger timed out, I guess.

    I love the way the 20-somethings plan things..text, facebook...they keep things simple and last minute. I've got a very low maintenance teenage boy and I messed up his birthday this year but he didn't seem to care.

    Be sure and let us know when your birthday approaches so we can all chip in to make it a good one with well-wishes! :)

  4. yum, *I* want that recipe!

  5. Unfortunately my family basicly has two birthday months. November, and July. That means an aweful lot of cake on either of those two months! We haven't really gotten into the big birthday bashes yet because my kids are still pretty young. (7 and under.) It will be interesting to see how things progress as they get older!

    Hope you enjoyed your nap! I'm pretty sure that counts towards the 50 points for re-charging!:)


  6. Happy birthday to Ben...hope you all enjoy a great meal together to celebrate with him.

  7. The moment I read "I'm whooped", I knew the feeling! The good thing about your kind of 'whooped' is it is a "'good kind' of tired"!
    Hope you've gotten rested up to face the new week.

    As for Ben's b-day and the impromtu celebration, I'm slowly learning the value in this sort of thing! Maybe because I so often feel "whooped" (or I'm not as organized or ???), I'm learning that "simpler" and just being together can be rich!


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