Sunday, March 01, 2009

Hunkerin' Down

Friday morning I pointed out some darling little yellow crocuses barely peeking their heads out their skinny, green shirts. Joel saw them and began with his, "Aw, they're so cute! Aw, aw...aren't they so cute, Mom?"

Then last night I heard a forecast for 6-10 inches of snow to start this evening. As I type, it is starting to fall. We made a trip to Aldi after church and plunked down almost $200 for the ensuing blizzard. (Well, the blizzard and the next week and a half of meals!) Paul has declared he will stay home tomorrow, no matter what. Sarah rented a stack of movies. Ben lamented that his classes are Tuesday and Thursday; why couldn't they be on Monday this week for the joy of having them cancelled? Stephen put his 4-wheel drive Jeep at the top of the driveway.

I have meatloaf in the oven and potatoes on the stove. It's one of Paul's favorite dinners and true hibernation food.

One of my students (the one I spoke of who was so excited to be the beverage manager--and yes, he got the job!) said to me at church, "Mrs. Zubrowski, I'm praying we don't get snow. Normally I would want a lot of it, but I really don't want to miss BizTown because of snow." His face was beaming with mixed emotions--love the snow/can't wait for BizTown. (It's scheduled for Tuesday.) I told him, "Well, I'm sure that even if we get snow, we should be able to postpone BizTown. Don't worry. Just enjoy it either way." And he said, "I will. I just would rather have snow after BizTown."

*Picture is from last year's biggie snow.

1 comment:

  1. Snow in March is way better than snow (blizzard)in April, though I know that can happen!
    Stay warm, cozy and thankful!
    In KS we need some moisture!
    Cute about your Biz Town student!


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