Friday, April 10, 2009

THIS is How to Read and Recite God's Word

Thanks to Laurie Lynn's post, I will never read these scriptures the same again. I had tears in my eyes during the delivery of these words which no sermon can surpass.

To my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, the Messiah who died once for all and is risen indeed, just as He said, who sits at the right hand of God the Father making intercession for all of us, who will return on a white horse and take us to live with Him forever in an unimaginably beautiful home which He is preparing even now for us, where we will always be in perfect relationship with him and each other, and never forget His love for us because we will see the nail scars in His hands as He wraps His loving arms around us and says, "Welcome Home, dear one. The waiting is over!", to you I say, "Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday! He is risen indeed!"

The link button is goofy today, so here's the link another way:

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